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Monday, July 7, 2014

[beasiswa] [INFO]: PhDs in systems, control,optimization


fyi: http://www.ieeecss.org/publications/e-letter/archive/current

6.1 PhD: Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen@mst.edu

Open PhD Positions
Advanced Systems Research Laboratory (www.asrl.us)
Missouri University of Science and Technology (www.mst.edu)

We are searching for exceptional PhD students with a strong background in systems, controls, and robotics.

These students are expected to perform research on (1) safety-critical autonomous systems, (2) multiagent systems and robotics, and (3) modular large-scale systems. Our intention is to give our strong guidance in order to maximize the chances of our students of building a rewarding research career. If you are interested, please send an email to Prof. Tansel Yucelen at yucelen@mst.edu including your background, your interests and strengths (theoretical and experimental), your resume, and a publication of yours. You can visit http://www.asrl.us/ for our webpage.

The work performed by our laboratory is focused on the creation of new information, control, and decision algorithms that reveal advanced systems such as highly capable autonomous vehicles and networked multivehicle systems. These systems are envisioned to elevate human society as well as to perform safety-critical operations with more robots and less humans. We place a strong emphasis both on theoretic research and experimentation for addressing fundamental and open real-world technological problems. Our aim is to be recognized as one of the top research laboratories in the nation by significantly advancing the knowledge and training science-based engineers and professionals to shape the future of our society.


6.2 PhD: Schneider Electric Industrie / University of Grenoble, France
Contributed by: Mazen Alamir, mazen.alamir@grenoble-inp.fr

PhD Position
Schneider Electric Industrie (Grenoble) / Gipsa-lab Control Systems Department.
Title: Stability Analysis and Distributed Control Design for A Micro Grid Including renewable Energy Producers.

Context: Industrial PhD (3 years). Successful applicant will work at Schneider Electric Company (Grenoble) with a scientific advisor from Gipsa-lab (Control System Department of the University of Grenoble).

Please, download the PhD description at http://www.mazenalamir.fr/files/MGPhD.pdf
Send CV and Background details (followed courses and related marks) simultaneously to the following addresses:

David Gualino
Schneider Electric, Technology Innovation
Advanced Mechatronics and Control Manager.
Tel: 0476391423
Email: david.gualino@schneider-electric.com

Mazen Alamir,
Directeur de recherche CNRS
Gipsa lab, Département automatique
Tel: 0476826326
Email: mazen.alamir@grenoble-inp.fr 


6.4 PhD: Aalborg University, Denmark
Contributed by: Rafael Wisniewski, raf@es.aau.dk
PhD Stipends in computer-aided controller design for nonlinear systems.

Section for Automation Control at Aalborg University has two PhD stipends in computer-aided controller design for nonlinear systems available from October 1, 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter.

A critical bottleneck in industrial automation is the lack of efficient numerical methods for designing controls for nonlinear systems. As a result, controllers for nonlinear systems are being designed based on trial-and-error and rule-of-thumb approaches in conjunction with extensive simulation studies.

This project is concerned with the development of efficient algorithms for designing controls of high-dimensional nonlinear systems. The proposed methods must be implemented in software, and applied to industrial applications proposed by the project's three industrial partners. The project is carried out within the CodeMe project, funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research, and led by Professor Rafael Wisniewski.

The aim of the project is to develop certificates of positivity for polynomial systems. As an example, a certificate of positivity for a quadratic form is the positive definiteness of its defining matrix. This is the cornerstone in LMI-based controller design. Issues in state-of-the-art numerical methods for nonlinear systems are scalability and numerical stability. Our hypothesis is that the representation of polynomials in the Bernstein basis can alleviate some of these issues. In short, this project will develop scalable numerical methods that will enable the design of controls for nonlinear industrial applications.

The candidate is expected to be independent, and to have demonstrated excellence in her/his MSc. The applicants must have a solid background in control theory, numerical methods, mathematical optimization, mathematical analysis, and programming. Good skills in oral and written English are also required.

You may obtain further information from Professor Rafael Wisniewski (raf@es.aau.dk) concerning the scientific aspects of the PhD stipend.

For further details on the application process, see www.kom.aau.dk/project/CodeMe/vacancies/phdPositions.html and for details on the salary see http://www.phd.teknat.aau.dk/get-a-phd/financial-aspects/


6.5 PhD/Post-Doc: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Panagiotis Tsiotras, tsiotras@gatech.edu

Applications are invited for a doctoral and/or post-doctoral position in the general area of dynamics and control of automotive systems.

Students with a strong background in systems and control and a clear interest in the general area of automotive systems are encouraged to apply.

Specific areas of interest include:
- Active safety system design for passenger vehicles using robust or optimization-based (ie, MPC) methods
- Driver modeling and driver-in-the-loop simulation and control
- Application of hybrid control and finite-state automata in automotive
Excellent mathematical and analytic skills are necessary. Candidates with a demonstrated track record in one or more of the previous area(s) will be preferred. Interested students should send a short resume and the names of three references, along with representative relevant publications, if applicable, to:

Prof. Panagiotis Tsiotras
School of Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0150
Tel: +1-404-894-9526
Email: tsiotras@gatech.edu


6.6 PhD/Post-Doc: Technische Universität München, Germany
Contributed by: Matthias Althoff, althoff@in.tum.de

The Research Group "Cyber-Physical Systems" of Prof. Matthias Althoff at the Technische Universität München offers a doctoral/postdoctoral position in the DFG-funded project "Analysis und Synthesis of Robustly Controlled Smart-Grid-Systems (ROCS-Grid) ". The offered position has a strong focus on formal verification of power systems, which is especially interesting to applicants with expertise in control theory and power systems.

Technische Universität München is one of the top research universities in Europe. The university fosters a strong entrepreneurial spirit and international culture that places it at the forefront of research in a diversity of disciplines.

Detailed information of the job offer can be found at http://portal.mytum.de/jobs/wissenschaftler/NewsArticle_20140618_144306


6.7 PhD/Post-Doc: ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Contributed by: John Lygeros, jlygeros@ethz.ch
Research Positions, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich
The Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH Zurich is looking to recruit researchers in the following areas:

1. Postdoctoral researcher on energy efficiency for buildings and urban areas. Topics of interest include methodological approaches to the control of buildings, system identification and state estimation for building dynamics, control of building clusters and energy hubs, and interaction of building clusters with the energy grids.

2. Postdoctoral researcher on the interface between machine learning and automatic control. Topics of interest include randomized optimization, data driven state estimation, system identification and model predictive control, as well as applications of these to transportation and credit card fraud detection.

3. PhD student or postdoctoral researcher in systems biology. Topics of interest include methodological development for modeling and analysis of stochastic biochemical systems and population systems, as well as the applications of such methodologies to model identification/discrimination for molecular signaling cascades and their interaction with yeast metabolism.

The successful candidate should hold a Ph.D in automatic control or a closely related area.

Administrative details:
This is intended as a two-year or more position. The salary depends on experience and will range from 85,750.00 CHF to 94,400.00 CHF plus social costs (insurance and retirement, typically 14.3%). The working language of the laboratory is English.

To apply:
Please email the following information (in PDF format) to Prof. Roy Smith (rsmith@control.ee.ethz.ch) or Prof. John Lygeros (jlygeros@ethz.ch):
1. A current curriculum vitae;
2. A one page statement summarising your research and career interests;
3. A copy of your Ph.D. thesis and your two most significant publications.
4. The names and contact information for 2 or 3 references who are in a position to assess your research potential.

Additional information about the positions may be obtained by contracting Prof. Smith or Prof. Lygeros directly.

The position is open from June 2014 and will remain open until the ideal candidate is found. The start date is negotiable, but would ideally be in July or August 2014.


Posted by: oksigenus@yahoo.com
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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [INFO]: PhDs in systems, control,optimization   fyi: http://www.ieeecss.org/publications/e-letter/archive/current 6.1 PhD: Missouri University of Scien...
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