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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

[beasiswa] [INFO] Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs), 2012-2013


Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs)

These 131 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses will be offering scholarships starting in the academic year 2012-2013.

Students or scholars should contact the consortium offering the Masters Course for more information on courses and application procedures and dates. Most consortia will require applications to be submitted between November 2011 and January 2012.


AGR Agriculture and Veterinary
ENG Engineering, Manufacture and Construction
HEA Health and Welfare
HUM Humanities and Arts
SCI Science, Mathematics and Computing
SOC Social Sciences, Business and Law

Discipline, Title, Website

SOC, AGR, HEA AFEPA - European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis
AGR AGRIS MUNDUS - MSc in Sustainable Development in Agriculture http://www.agrismundus.eu
SCI ALGANT - International integrated Master course in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
ENG AMASE - Joint European Master Programme on Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
SCI ASC - Master of Science: Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry http://www.master-asc.org/
SCI ASTROMUNDUS - Astrophysics http://www.astromundus.eu
SCI ATOSIM - Atomic Scale Modelling of Physical, Chemical and Bio-molecular Systems
SCI bhealth - BioHealth Computing EM http://biohealth-computing.org/
ENG, HEA CEMACUBE - Common European Master's course in Biomedical Engineering www.biomedicaltechnology.eu
HUM CHOREOMUNDUS - International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice and Heritage www.choreomundus.org
SCI, ENG CIMET - Color in Informatics and MEdia Technology http://www.master-erasmusmunduscolor.eu/
HUM CLE - Master/Laurea Specialistica en Cultures Littéraires Européennes http://www.cle.unibo.it/
ENG, SCI COSSE - Computer Simulation For Science and engineering http://www.kth.se/COSSE
SCI, ENG CSSM - Complex Systems Science www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emmcs
HUM CWCN - Crossways in Cultural Narratives http://www.munduscrossways.eu
SCI DESEM - Erasmus Mundus MSc in Dependable Software Systems http://www.cs.nuim.ie/erasmusmundus
SCI, ENG DMKM - Data Mining & Knowledge Management
ENG, HEA ECOHYD - Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Ecohydrology http://www.ecohyd.org
HEA EDAMUS - Sustainable Management of Food Quality
SOC EM SIE - Erasmus Mundus Masters in Special and Inclusive Education http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/admissions/erasmusmundus/sen/index.html
SCI, ENG EM3E - Erasmus Mundus Master in Membrane Engineering http://em3e.eu/
AGR, HEA EMAE - European Master in Applied Ecology
ENG EMARO - European Master in Advanced Robotics http://emaro.irccyn.ec-nantes.fr
AGR EMBC - Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and
EMCL - European Masters in Clinical Linguistics
SCI EMCL - European Master's Program in Computational Logic http://www.emcl-study.eu/
SCI EMDC - European Master in Distributed Computing www.kth.se/emdc
ENG EMDiReB - European Master in Diagnosis and Repair of Buildings http://www.emdireb.eu/
HEA EMECC NURSING - Emergency and Critical Care Nursing http://www.masternursing.uniovi.es
SCI EMECS - European Master Embedded Computing Systems http://mundus.eit.uni-kl.de
AGR, HEA EMFOL - Food of Life http://www.emfoodoflife.eu/
SOC EMGS - Global Studies - A European Perspective http://www.uni-leipzig.de/gesi/emgs
SOC, ENG EMIN - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries
SOC EMLE - European Master in Law and Economics www.emle.org
SOC, HEA EMMAPA - Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity www.erasmusmundus.be
ENG, HEA EMMEP - Erasmus Mundus Minerals and Environmental Programme http://www.emmep.org/
SOC EMMIR - European Master in Migration and Intercultural Reations http://www.emmir.org
ENG, SCI EMM-Nano - Erasmus Mundus Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology http://www.emm-nano.org
SCI, ENG, HEA EMQAL - European Joint Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories http://cursos.ualg.pt/emqal
AGR EM-SANF - Erasmus Mundus Master Course Sustainable Animal Nutrition and Feeding
SOC EMSD - European Master programme in Systems Dynamics www.europeansystemdynamics.eu
SOC, HEA EMSEP - European Masters in Sport and Exercise Psychology www.jyu.fi/emsep
ENG EMSHIP - European Education in Advanced Ship Design www.emship.eu
SOC EMTM - European Master in Tourism Management www.emtmmaster.net
SOC EMTTLF - European Master's in Transnational Trade Law Finance http://www.transnational.deusto.es/EMTTL
ENG EU4M - European Union Master's Course in Mechatronic and Micromechatronic Systems
AGR EUMAINE - European Master of Science in Nematology http://www.eumaine.ugent.be/
ENG, AGR EURHEO: European Masters in Engineering Rheology www.uminho.pt/eurheo
SCI, ENG EUROAQUAE - Euro Hydroinformatics and Water Management www.euroaquae.org
HUM, SOC EUROCULTURE - Europe in the Wider World http://www.euroculturemaster.org
HUM, SOC EUROMIME - Master européen en Ingénierie des Médias pour l'Education http://www.euromime.org
HUM EUROPHILOSOPHIE - Philosophies allemande et française dans l'espace européen
SCI, ENG EUROPHOTONICS - Master in Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics
HEA EUROPUBHEALTH - European Public Health Master http://www.europubhealth.org/
SCI, ENG, HEA euSYSBIO - erasmus Mundus Master's Course in euSYSBIO Systems Biology www.kth.se/eusysbio
ENG EWEM - European Wind Energy Master www.windenergymaster.eu
ENG FAME - Functionalised Advanced Materials and Engineering http://www.fame-master.com
ENG FIPDes - Food Innovation and Product Design http://www.fipdes.eu
SCI, ENG FloodR - Flood Risk Management (FloodRisk) http://www.unescoihe.org/floodriskmaster
AGR, HEA Food ID - European Master Food Identity www.masterfoodidentity.com
SCI, ENG FUSION-EP - European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics
ENG, SCI GEM - Master of Science course in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management
SOC GEMMA - Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies http://masteres.ugr.es/gemma/pages/index
SCI GEOTECH - Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies http://mastergeotech.info/
ENG, SOC GIM - MSc in Global Innovation Management www.globalinnovationmanagement.org/
HUM GLITEMA - German Literature in the European Middle Ages http://glitema.up.pt
SCI, HUM IM in NLP & HLT - International Masters in Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology
SCI, ENG IMACS - International Master in Advanced Clay Science www.master-imacs.org
SOC IMEC - International Master in Early Childhood Education and Care www.imec.hio.no
ENG IMETE - International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering
ENG, SCI IMFSE - International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering www.imfse.ugent.be
AGR IMHS - International Master in Horticultural Sciences www.imahs.unibo.it
HUM, SCI IMQP - International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory Master International en Quaternaire et Préhistoire
SOC IMRCEES - International Masters in Russian, Central and East European Studies
AGR, HEA, SOC IMRD - International Master of Science in Rural Development http://www.imrd.ugent.be
SCI, SOC IMSE - International Master in Service Engineering http://www.erasmusmundus-imse.eu/
SCI, ENG IT4BI - Information Technologies for Business Intelligence http://it4bi.univ-tours.fr/
SOC, ENG, HEA JEMES - Joint European Master Programme in Environmental Studies http://www.Jemes.eu/
ENG, SCI M.E.S.C. - Master in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion http://www.u-picardie.fr/mundus_MESC
SOC MA LLL - European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management www.lifelonglearningmasters.org
HUM MACLANDS - MAster of Cultural LANDScapes http://www.maclands.fr/
HUM MAIPR - Master of Arts in International Performance Research www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/theatre_s/postgraduate/maipr/
ENG MAMASELF - Master in material science exploring European large scale facilities http://etudes.univ-rennes1.fr/mamaself
ENG MAPNET - Masters on Photonic Networks engineering http://mapnet.sssup.it
SOC MARIHE - Research and Innovation in Higher Education www.donau-uni.ac.at/marihe
ENG, SCI MATHMODS - Mathematical Modelling in Engineering: Theory, Numerics, Applications
SCI, HEA MBIO - Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics http://www.masterbioethics.org/
HUM MCEMESV - Master Conjoint Erasmus Mundus en Etude du Spectacle Vivant http://performingarts-mundus.eu/
SOC MEDEG - Economic Development and Growth www.uc3m.es/medeg
AGR MEDfOR - Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management http://www.medfor.eu
ENG, SCI MEEES - Masters in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology www.meees.org
SCI MEME - Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Evolutionary Biology http://www.evobio.eu/
ENG MERIT - Master of Science in Research on Information and Communication Technologies
ENG, SOC, HEA MESPOM - Master of Science in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management www.mespom.eu
SCI, SOC MFSc - Master in Forensic Science www.lincoln.ac.uk/forensicerasmusmundus
ENG, SOC MIND - Erasmus Mundus Master's programme in Industrial Ecology http://www.emmind.eu
SOC MISOCO - Joint European Master in International Migration and Social Cohesion http://www.misoco.org
SOC MITRA - Médiation interculturelle : identités, mobilités, conflits http://mitra.ifres.info/
AGR, HEA MScEF - Master of Science in European Forestry http://www.europeanforestry.net
SOC MSPME - Masters in Strategic Project Management (European) http://www.mspme.org/
HUM, SOC MULTIELE - Multiculturalism: Master degree in Learning and Teaching of Spanish in Multilingual and International Contexts
SOC MUNDUS JOURNALISM - Erasmus Mundus Masters Journalism, Media and
Globalisation http://www.MundusJournalism.com
SOC MUNDUS MAPP - Erasmus Mundus Master's in Public Policy http://www.mundusmapp.org
SOC, ENG MUNDUS URBANO - Interdisciplinary Erasmus Mundus Master Course International Cooperation and Urban Development
HEA NEURASMUS - A European Master in Neuroscience: Advanced Courses and Research Training
SOC NOHA Mundus - Joint Master's Degree Program in International Humanitarian Action
HUM, SOC NOMADS EMMC - exploring without borders-documentary filmdirecting www.docnomads.eu
SCI NORDSECMOB - Master's programme in Security and Mobile Computing http://nordsecmob.tkk.fi/
SOC, ENG PLANET Europe - Joint Masters Programme on European Spatial Planning, Environmental Policies and Regional Development
SOC, ENG reCity - Erasmus Mundus Master Course in City Regeneration www.fisd.eu/recity
SOC, HEA REGHEALTH - European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems http://ErasmusMundus.tprs.vu.lt
ENG SAMHC - Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
AGR, HEA SEFOTECH nut - European MSc in food science, technology and nutrition http://www.sefotechnut.org/
ENG SELECT - Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems www.kth.se/select
SCI SERP-Chem - International Master in Surface, Electro, Radiation, Photo - Chemistry
SCI SPACEMASTER - EMMC in Space Science and Technology www.spacemaster.eu
SOC STeDe - Erasmus Mundus Master in Sustainable Territorial Development http://www.em-stede.eu
ENG STEPS - Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems
AGR SUFONAMA - Sustainable Forest and Nature Management www.sufonama.eu
SCI SUSCOS - Sustainable Constructions under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events
AGR SUTROFOR - Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Sustainable Tropical Forestry www.sutrofor.net/eng/Home/home_7_26.html
SCI TCCM - Euromaster on Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling http://www.emtccm.org
SOC TEMA - Territoires européens (civilisation, nation, région, ville): identité et développement
SOC TEOS - Transcultural European Outdoor Studies
ENG THRUST - Erasmus Mundus Master's Course in TurbomacHinery aeRomechanic UniverSity Training
HEA tropEd - European Master in International Health http://erasmusmundus.troped.org
SCI, ENG VIBOT - Erasmus Mundus Masters in VIsion and roBOTics http://www.vibot.org
AGR VINIFERA EuroMaster - European Master of Science of Viticulture and Enology http://vinifera-euromaster.eu
AGR VINTAGE - Master International Vintage, Vine, Wine and Terroir management http://www.vintagemaster.com
SCI WACOMA - Erasmus Mundus Master in Water and Coastal Management
SOC WOP-P - Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology http://www.uv.es/erasmuswop/

You can find a list of all Erasmus Mundus projects – as well as more information on the programme – on the programme website: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en.php


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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [INFO] Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs), 2012-2013   Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) These 131 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses will be offering schol...
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