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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

[beasiswa] [INFO] Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs), 2012-2013


Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs)

These 34 Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates will be offering fellowships starting in the academic year 2012-2013.

Doctoral candidates should contact the consortium offering the Joint Doctorate for more information on courses and application procedures. Most consortia will require applications to be submitted between November 2011 and January 2012.


AGR Agriculture and Veterinary
ENG Engineering, Manufacture and Construction
HEA Health and Welfare
HUM Humanities and Arts
SCI Science, Mathematics and Computing
SOC Social Sciences, Business and Law

Discipline, Title, Website, AGR

AgTraIn - Agricultural Transformation by Innovation
http://www.agtrain.eu SCI
ALGANT-DOC - Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Joint Doctorate
http://www.algant.eu/doctorate.php SOC
DCGC - Doctoral Programme in Cultural and Global Criminology
http://www.dcgc.eu ENG
DocMASE - Joint European Doctoral Programme in Advanced Materials Science and Engineer
http://www.docmase.net SOC
EDEEM - European Doctorate in Economics Erasmus Mundus
http://erasmusmundus-edeem.univ-paris1.fr ENG, SOC
EDIM - European Doctor in Industrial Management
http://www.kth.se/edim SOC
EDLE - European Doctorate in Law and Economics
http://www.edle-phd.eu AGR
EGS-ABG – European Graduate School in Animal Breeding and Genetics
http://www.egsabg.eu SCI
EMJD-DC - Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing
http://emjd-dc.eu SOC
EMJD-GEM - Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate on "Globalization, Europe & Multilateralism"
http://www.erasmusmundus-gem.eu HEA
ENC Network - European Neuroscience campus network
http://www.enc-network.eu ENG
ETeCoS3 - Environmental Technologies for Contaminated Solids, Soils and Sediments
http://www.internationaldoctorate.unicas.it ENG
EUDIME - Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Membrane Engineering
http://eudime.unical.it ENG
EUROPHOTONICS - Doctorate Program in Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics
http://www.europhotonics.org/wordpress/doctorate SCI, ENG
EUROSPIN - European Study Programme in Neuroinformatics
http://www.kth.se/EuroSPIN SCI
EXTATIC - Extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray Training in Advanced Technologies for Interdisciplinary Cooperation
www.extatic.eu AGR
FONASO - Forest and Nature for Society
http://www.fonaso.eu SCI
FUSION DC- International Doctoral College in Fusion Science and Engineering
www.em-fusion-dc.org SCI, ENG, SOC
ICE - Interactive and Cognitive Environments
http://www.icephd.org HEA
IDEALAB - International Doctorate in Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain
http://em-idealab.com HEA, ENG
IDS-FunMat - International Doctoral School in Functional Materials for Energy, Information Technology, and Health
http://www.IDSFUNMAT.u-bordeaux1.fr HUM, SOC
INTERZONES - Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones
http://www.mundusphd-interzones.eu SCI
IRAP PhD - International Relativistic Astrophysics Doctorate Program
http://www.irap-phd.org SOC
LAST-JD - Joint International Doctoral Degree in Law, Science and Technology
http://www.last-jd.eu HEA, SCI
MACOMA - Erasmus Mundus PhD in Marine and Coastal Management
http://www2.uca.es/serv/catedra-unesco/ erasmusmundus/macoma/index.htm HEA, SCI
MARES - Doctoral Programme in Marine Ecosystem Health and Conservation
http://www.mares-eu.org HEA, SCI
MoveAge - Prevention of mobility loss with ageing
http://www.biomove.eu/move-age HEA
NanoFar - European Doctorate in nanomedicine and pharmaceutical innovation
www. erasmusmundus-nanofar.eu SCI
NeuroTi - NeuroTime: Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate "Neural processing of
time" SOC
PHOENIX - Phoenix JDP Dynamics of Health and Welfare
http://www.ehess.fr/fr/international/ partenariats-et-programmes-internationaux/phoenix-jdp/ ENG
SELECT+ - Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Services
http://www.exploreselect.eu/ ENG
SETS - Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Strategies
http://www.iit.upcomillas.es/sets/ HEA, SCI
SMART – Science for Management of Rivers and their Tidal Systems
www.riverscience.eu HUM
TEEME - Text and Event in Early Modern Europe

You can find a list of all Erasmus Mundus projects – as well as more information on the programme – on the programme website: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en.php


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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [INFO] Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs), 2012-2013   Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs) These 34 Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates will be offering fell...
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