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Thursday, April 21, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] Postdoctoral researcher, Risk Analysis, Chemistry and Genomics


Postdoctoral researcher, Risk Analysis, Chemistry and Genomics

The Amsterdam Global Change Institute (AGCI) is a new institute at VU University Amsterdam which aims to encourage excellence and innovation in interdisciplinary research on the environment, global change and sustainability (www.agci.vu.nl).

Job description

 Genomics coupled to highly-sensitive chemical analysis provides a new basis for understanding the risks of a growing range of newly emerging pollutants in the environment. The application of these technologies in risk assessment of chemicals is being debated in academic circles and in various regulatory bodies. The general feeling is that with genomics technology new modes of action can be discovered, chemicals can be better classified with respect to mode of action, and effects can be assessed in a more rapid and sensitive way. On the other hand there is also hesitation to adopt these new techniques because most of them are not yet validated nor calibrated against existing methods (see also:


The main goal of this postdoc project is to combine multiple methods to generate integrated, fast and effective assessments of human and ecological risks arising from toxic pollutants in the environment. To reach this goal, two objectives have been defined:

To provide a proof of principle that transcription profiles can be used to determine specific biological effects of toxic pollutants in the environment and to steer chemical analyses to identify unknown compounds responsible for these effects;

To assess the applicability of transcription profiles for the assessment and governance of environmental risks and the economic benefits of a novel methodology.




 The successful candidate will have a PhD in biology or in a related area, with an excellent background in molecular biology. Additional skills in statistical analysis of large datasets and experience with chemical analysis are highly recommended, as well as a genuine interest in environmental toxicology and integrated risk assessment. The main criterion for the evaluation of applicants will be scientific excellence as shown by a number of publications in high-impact journals and frequent citations. Selection will be based on the applicant's CV and on the quality of an outline research proposal in the advertised field. Emphasis will also be put on the extent to which the applicant can contribute to the development of interdisciplinary team work within the AGCI, as shown e.g. by experience in participation in multidisciplinary international networks. Excellent communications skills, both in writing and in personal communication, are required. The candidate is expected to contribute to new initiatives to acquire funds for follow-up research under this theme.

Conditions of employment

The initial appointment will be for a period of two years. You can find information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment at remuneration of 8,3% end-of-year bonus and 8% holiday allowance; solid pension scheme (ABP); discounts on collective insurances (healthcare- and car insurance).

http://www.workingatvu.nl .

The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel, and depending on experience, range from a minimum of

2.977,- gross per month (scale 10.5) up to a maximum of 4.374,- gross per month (salary scale 11) based on a fulltime employment.

Contract type


two years

Additional information

For additional information please contact (after 2 May): Prof dr Nico van Straalen

Phone number +31 (0)20 59 87070 E-mail:

nico.van.straalen@falw.vu.nl .


Applicants are requested to write a letter in which they describe their motivation for applying, together with a 2-page outline proposal for carrying out the research within the theme described in this advertisement. Please also send a curriculum vitae and the names of two referees. Written applications should be sent before 1

st June 2011 to: the VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, attn. Prof. Dr. B. Oudega, dean, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081HV Amsterdam,The Netherlands.It is also possible to apply by e-mail to falw-vacatures@falw.vu.nl.

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [info] Postdoctoral researcher, Risk Analysis, Chemistry and Genomics   Postdoctoral researcher, Risk Analysis, Chemistry and Genomics The Amsterdam Global Change Inst...
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