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Thursday, April 21, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] PhD position BioMolecular Analysis


VU University Amsterdam (VU) - PhD position BioMolecular Analysis

Project: 'Innovative Analytical Methodologies for Biopharmaceuticals'

Job description

The PhD project, we address the specific situation that unknown, bioactive proteins are present next to known compounds, examples being peptide or protein libraries, or in-vitro or in-vivo samples containing the parent product and potentially bioactive degradation or biotransformation products. In both cases, the need to efficiently discover and characterize unknown bioactive proteins at low concentrations in complex matrices puts special demands on the analytical techniques to be used. Our strategy is to integrate three key elements in one measurement: (1) separation techniques such as size-exclusion or ion-exchange chromatography that maintain the biological activity of proteins during the separation process (2) UV and mass spectrometric detection to reveal the chemical structure of the proteins/peptides eluting from the separation column, and (3) on-line or at-line biochemical assays reflecting the biological activity of proteins. The research is done in close collaboration between the Divisions of BioMolecular Analysis and Target and System Biochemistry/Medicinal Chemistry at the VU University.


We are looking for a candidate with a MSc. degree in analytical chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, cellular biology or related fields, whom is enthusiastic to work in this multidisciplinary field at the interface of analytical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and molecular biology. Experience with any of the aforementioned technologies is desirable, but not necessarily required. The candidate has a good ability to speak, write and read English.

Conditions of employment

The initial appointment will be for a period of 1 year. After satisfactory evaluation of the initial

appointment, it can be extended for a total duration of 4 year . You can find information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment at http://www.workingatvu.nl like

  • remuneration of 8,3% end-of-year bonus and 8% holiday allowance;
  • a minimum of 29 holidays in case of full-time employment;
  • generous contribution (70%) commuting allowance based on public transport;
  • discounts on collective insurances (healthcare- and car insurance).

The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel, and amounts € 2.042,- gross per month in the first year up to € 2.612,- in the fourth year (salary scale 85) based on a full-time employment.

Contract type


1 year

End procedure 6 May 2011

Additional information

For additional information please contact:  dr. J. Kool Phone number +31 (0)20 59 87542, E-mail: j.kool@vu.nl.

Applicants are requested to write a letter in which they describe their abilities and motivation, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and one or two references. Written applications should be sent before the 6th of May 2011 to: VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Sciences, Attn.: prof. dr. W.M.A. Niessen, De Boelelaan 1081, 1083 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.It is also possible to apply by e-mail to: vacature.few@vu.nl.

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