Setahu saya beasiswa ini tidak berlaku bagi alumni, hanya berlaku bagi yg masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa atau staff di kampus konsorsium. Karena prinsip beasiswa ini adalah international mobility.
Muhammad Ery Wijaya
Energy Economics Laboratory
Department of Socio-Environmental Energy Science
Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan
Personal Blog:
mba zulaikha,
anda waktu itu sbagai akademisi dari UGM atau hanya lulusan UGM saja?
saya berminat untuk daftar, tp saya bukan dosen. sy lulusan UI. jd akan apply sbg
masyarakat umum aja.
prosesnya hanya pengiriman dokumen saja atau ada tes lainnya?
terima kasih.
Riky Hartaman
Dari: Zulaikha Budi Astuti <>
Terkirim: Sel, 7 Desember, 2010 21:08:23
Judul: Re: [beasiswa] [INFO] Lotus Project, Erasmus Mundus Grant for South East Asian
Semoga banyak yang daftar dan ketrima.Saya penerima beasiswa EM Euro Asia tahun 2010, waktu itu konsorsiumnya ada 11 univ, 6 eropa, sisanya dari Asia tenggara. Indonesia diwakili UGM (sehingga saya dari UGM), schema yang ditawarkan waktu itu untuk master student 20 bulan/ 10 bulan (alhamdulillah saya dapat 20 bulan).Untuk receive my grant:1. flight ticket pengurusan visa dll, bisa dimintakan ganti ke universitas kita di Indonesia2. asuransi diuruskan oleh koordinator konsorsium/European Commission (waktu saya adalah Boras Swedia)3. pembayaran beasiswa monthly (means biaya hidup kita) dibayarkan oleh Univ kita di Eropa (saya kebetulan di Universidade do Minho Portugal)4. Tuition fee..langsung dibayarSemangat ya..Good LuckZulaikha Budi AstutiUniversidade do MinhoPortugal
From: Adek Aidi <>
Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 4:48:53 AM
Subject: Re: [beasiswa] [INFO] Lotus Project, Erasmus Mundus Grant for South East Asian
I read something strange in here , adakah yang punya informasi tentang beasiswa ini lebih dalam?1. Email in gmail
- How will I receive my grant?
Your travel ticket will be bought by your university (the International Relations Office). Insurance will be arranged by the Lotus project.Your subsistence allowance will be paid to you by your host university, on an (EU) account. You will be informed about this by your host university. Tuition fee (if applicable) will be paid directly to the university.Attention: Target Group 2 students need to contact Miss Ilse Van Renterghem( to arrange insurance and flight tickets.2. Tidak ada keterangan consorsium (link here tidak ada)
- What is a consortium?
A consortium is a partnership or a group of higher education institutions that intends to implement a project (in this case a mobility scheme) together. For the Lotus project, you can click here to see the consortium.
On 7 dec 2010, at 13.24, Iwan Adhicandra wrote:FOR CALL 2 UNDER LOTUS
Lotus is an Erasmus Mundus Action Two Partnership (EMA2) of European and South-East Asian Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Associations aiming at fostering mutual enrichment and better understanding between the EU and South-East Asia (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand), through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education level and to co-operate in the following program activities:
Mobility of undergraduate and graduate students
Mobility of PhD students
Post-doc mobility
Academic and administrative staff mobility
The types of mobility to be funded are:
For students: undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate mobility opportunities
For academic staff: exchanges for the purposes of teaching, practical training and research
This project is to give South-East Asian students and staff the possibility to go to a European University to improve, enrich, learn, experience, .... their own knowledge and skills.
Please bear in mind that the scholarships are only granted to South-East Asian students and staff coming to Europe.
The grant covers:
Monthly subsistence allowance
Travel ticket
Tuition fee
To enable students to benefit in a linguistic, cultural and educational way from the experience of pursuing academic studies in another country, all students should have a thorough command of English (this can only be proven by means of internationally recognized documents, p.e. IELTS certificate, TOEFL, First Certificate of Cambridge, an English diploma, a Degree obtained in English). Please note, however, that this also depends on the language requirements of the host universities within the Lotus project.
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