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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

[beasiswa] Re: [INFO] Lotus Project, Erasmus Mundus Grant for South East Asian


kalau melihat websitenya, saya rasa alumni dibolehkan apply beasiswa ini, namun hanya untuk Target Group 2 (bagi lulusan PT diluar konsortium) dimana program master untuk 22 bulan (Indonesia - Thailand) dan target Group 3 (bagi yang dalam kondisi vulnerable) untuk program master 22 bulan (Indonesia). Lihat detail nya di sini:
atau bisa lihat FAQ di bagian "Can nationals from South-East Asia living in Europe apply for a scholarship?"


--- In beasiswa@yahoogroups.com, Ery Wijaya <erywijaya@...> wrote:
> Setahu saya beasiswa ini tidak berlaku bagi alumni, hanya berlaku bagi yg
> masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa atau staff di kampus konsorsium. Karena
> prinsip beasiswa ini adalah international mobility.
> --
> Salam,
> Muhammad Ery Wijaya
> Energy Economics Laboratory
> Department of Socio-Environmental Energy Science
> Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan
> http://eecon.energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp/English/Engindex.htm
> Personal Blog: http://erywijaya.wordpress.com
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 12:49 PM, M. Rizky Hartaman <
> kenshin_hartaman@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > mba zulaikha,
> > anda waktu itu sbagai akademisi dari UGM atau hanya lulusan UGM saja?
> > saya berminat untuk daftar, tp saya bukan dosen. sy lulusan UI. jd akan
> > apply sbg
> > masyarakat umum aja.
> > prosesnya hanya pengiriman dokumen saja atau ada tes lainnya?
> > terima kasih.
> >
> > BR,
> >
> > Riky Hartaman
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > *Dari:* Zulaikha Budi Astuti <zulaikhabudiastuti@...>
> > *Kepada:* beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
> > *Terkirim:* Sel, 7 Desember, 2010 21:08:23
> > *Judul:* Re: [beasiswa] [INFO] Lotus Project, Erasmus Mundus Grant for
> > South East Asian
> >
> >
> >
> > Semoga banyak yang daftar dan ketrima.
> > Saya penerima beasiswa EM Euro Asia tahun 2010, waktu itu konsorsiumnya ada
> > 11 univ, 6 eropa, sisanya dari Asia tenggara. Indonesia diwakili UGM
> > (sehingga saya dari UGM), schema yang ditawarkan waktu itu untuk master
> > student 20 bulan/ 10 bulan (alhamdulillah saya dapat 20 bulan).
> >
> > Untuk receive my grant:
> > 1. flight ticket pengurusan visa dll, bisa dimintakan ganti ke universitas
> > kita di Indonesia
> > 2. asuransi diuruskan oleh koordinator konsorsium/European Commission
> > (waktu saya adalah Boras Swedia)
> > 3. pembayaran beasiswa monthly (means biaya hidup kita) dibayarkan oleh
> > Univ kita di Eropa (saya kebetulan di Universidade do Minho Portugal)
> > 4. Tuition fee..langsung dibayar
> >
> > Semangat ya..Good Luck
> >
> > Zulaikha Budi Astuti
> > Universidade do Minho
> > Portugal
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > *From:* Adek Aidi <lailiaidi@...>
> > *To:* beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
> > *Sent:* Tue, December 7, 2010 4:48:53 AM
> > *Subject:* Re: [beasiswa] [INFO] Lotus Project, Erasmus Mundus Grant for
> > South East Asian
> >
> >
> >
> > Halo,
> > I read something strange in here , adakah yang punya informasi tentang
> > beasiswa ini lebih dalam?
> > http://www.lotus.ugent.be/index.asp?p=885&a=885
> >
> > 1. Email in gmail
> >
> > - *How will I receive my grant?*
> >
> > Your travel ticket will be bought by your university (the International
> > Relations Office). Insurance will be arranged by the Lotus project.Your
> > subsistence allowance will be paid to you by your host university, on an
> > (EU) account. You will be informed about this by your host university.
> > Tuition fee (if applicable) will be paid directly to the university.
> >
> > Attention: Target Group 2 students need to contact Miss Ilse Van
> > Renterghem(chinaplatformbeijing@...) to arrange insurance and flight
> > tickets.
> >
> > 2. Tidak ada keterangan consorsium (link *here* tidak ada)
> >
> > - *What is a consortium?*
> >
> > A consortium is a partnership or a group of higher education institutions
> > that intends to implement a project (in this case a mobility scheme)
> > together. For the Lotus project, you can click *here* to see the
> > consortium.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Adek Aidi
> > http://id.linkedin.com/in/lailiaidi
> > Communication Systems - School of ICT KTH
> >
> >
> > On 7 dec 2010, at 13.24, Iwan Adhicandra wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > http://www.lotus.ugent.be/index.asp
> >
> > Lotus is an Erasmus Mundus Action Two Partnership (EMA2) of European and
> > South-East Asian Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Associations aiming
> > at fostering mutual enrichment and better understanding between the EU and
> > South-East Asia (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand),
> > through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education
> > level and to co-operate in the following program activities:
> >
> > Mobility of undergraduate and graduate students
> > Mobility of PhD students
> > Post-doc mobility
> > Academic and administrative staff mobility
> >
> > The types of mobility to be funded are:
> >
> > For students: undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate mobility
> > opportunities
> > For academic staff: exchanges for the purposes of teaching, practical
> > training and research
> >
> > This project is to give South-East Asian students and staff the possibility
> > to go to a European University to improve, enrich, learn, experience, ....
> > their own knowledge and skills.
> >
> > Please bear in mind that the scholarships are only granted to South-East
> > Asian students and staff coming to Europe.
> >
> > The grant covers:
> >
> > Monthly subsistence allowance
> > Travel ticket
> > Insurance
> > Tuition fee
> >
> > To enable students to benefit in a linguistic, cultural and educational way
> > from the experience of pursuing academic studies in another country, all
> > students should have a thorough command of English (this can only be proven
> > by means of internationally recognized documents, p.e. IELTS certificate,
> > TOEFL, First Certificate of Cambridge, an English diploma, a Degree obtained
> > in English). Please note, however, that this also depends on the language
> > requirements of the host universities within the Lotus project.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] Re: [INFO] Lotus Project, Erasmus Mundus Grant for South East Asian   kalau melihat websitenya, saya rasa alumni dibolehkan apply beasiswa ini, namun hanya untuk Target Group...
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