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Thursday, September 17, 2015

[beasiswa] [info] Research Engineer Position in EEG BCI - NeuroVirtual project in Paris


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From: Sid Kouider <sid.kouider@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 3:51 PM

The Institute of Cognitive Science at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) is offering 

- A research engineer position to work on EEG, Machine Learning and Brain-Computer Interfaces.


You will be part of a team of engineers and researchers in cognitive neuroscience working on the measurement of EEG neural signals to infer various cognitive functions (perception, decision-making, attention, learning, sleep).

You will mainly be in charge of optimizing the online detection of specific EEG markers of learning and auditory attention, and will be in charge of optimizing a BCI loop between a virtual environment and a portable EEG system. 

You will be affiliated to the Brain and Consciousness team of Pr Sid Kouider (http://www.lscp.net/persons/sidk/). Our lab has been successful in using EEG signals to resolve important issues within the field of cognitive neuroscience (with recent publications in Science, Current Biology, Nature Communications, etc). We are now using our expertise in cognitive neuroscience to develop, in collaboration with the industry, some innovative serious game applications.

This project is carried out under the framework of the NeuroVirtual projet (2015-2017), bringing together the fields of cognitive neuroscience and serious games. Our lab is located in central Paris, within the historical Quartier Latin.

Candidates should have at least a master or engineering degree in a relevant domain (Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Physics, or a closely related field) and a solid training in BCI and fast calculations for real-time applications. Strong analytical and programming skills, experience with Machine Learning and expertise in EEG signal processing are absolutely required. Experience with real virtuality and/or cognitive neuroscience are desirable but not a prerequisite.  

The appointment is for one year initially but can be extended later on.

The net salary will range between 2 100 and 2 500 euros/month depending on qualifications.


Knowledge of French is not required as the team is international and verbal interactions are primarily in English. 


Please send a CV  to Sid Kouider (sid.kouider at ens dot fr) and Cécile Girard (cecilegirard20 at gmail dot com).

Do not hesitate to contact us for further questions.

Closing date: January 2016


Posted by: "Ignatius S. Condro Atmawan B." <saptocondro@googlemail.com>
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