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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

[beasiswa] [info] Fw: PhD opportunities (School of Public Health, University of Queensland, Australia) [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from andrian Liem andrianliem@yahoo.com [beasiswa] included below]

Berikut saya forward info kesempatan PhD di School of Public Health, UQ:

Research Scholar
School of Public Health
The Role
A PhD opportunity is available for a student with an Honours/Masters degree in biostatistics or similar for an exciting opportunity in a joint project between the School of Public Health and the Australian Department of Human Services.
The Project
Within Australia, administrative data is seen as a by-product of the government's delivery of payments and services.  The information collected by government departments, including the Department of Human Services, might include a claimant's personal details, information on their circumstance, relationships, children or income and assets.  Using this information we are able to follow the trajectory of an individual through the welfare system, observe the consequences of policy intervention, study health servicing patterns, study family and household composition and mobility, and track the impact of life events on an individual's economic participation. 
The department is seeking to better exploit this administrative information through an innovative collaboration partnership with the School of Public Health to bridge the divide between academic and scientific thinking and service delivery.
The Candidate
Both Australian and International applicants are welcome to apply. Candidates should have an Honours degree (1 or IIA) (or equivalent) in epidemiology, biostatistics, or other relevant disciplines. Strong academic performance, the commitment to conduct high quality research and publish output are highly desirable.
For further information on the basis of admission to a UQ research higher degree, please visit http://www.uq.edu.au/grad-school/our-research-degrees
We will support high quality domestic and international applicants in their nomination to the University of Queensland's competitive scholarship rounds (three rounds per year). See http://www.uq.edu.au/grad-school/scholarships-and-fees for details of important dates and information.
 Enquiries and applications
Initial enquires to Assoc.Professor Deirdre McLaughlin (d.mclaughlin@sph.uq.edu.au). Please be prepared to provide your detailed academic resume and complete academic records (including GPA scores/grades and grading scale details).

Semoga berguna :)


Andrian Liem (+62 8995084594 | @LiemAndrian)

Youth and adolescence
Indigenous and cultural psychology
Drug abuse (prevention & rehabilitation)
Clinical health psychology (public health & primary care)
Disaster management, interfaith dialogue, peace and conflict resolution
Gender and sexuality (health reproduction, orientation & sexual behavior, HIV & AIDS)

attacks d body. STIGMA attacks d spirit.

One is caused by a virus. One is caused by ignorance.

From: Deirdre McLaughlin
Sent: Wednesday, 19 August 2015 9:34 AM
To: SPH Informal Announce <SPH_Informal@exchange.uq.edu.au>
Subject: PhD opportunities
Please see the attached and bring to the attention of any students who may be interested. The Department of Human Services is very keen to recruit PhD students, who will be enrolled through SPH.
Associate Professor Deirdre McLaughlin MAPS
Principal Research Fellow
Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health
School of Public Health
University of Queensland
Herston Road
Herston  Qld  4006
Telephone +61 7 3365 5335
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Attachment(s) from andrian Liem andrianliem@yahoo.com [beasiswa] | View attachments on the web

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [info] Fw: PhD opportunities (School of Public Health, University of Queensland, Australia) [1 Attachment]   [ Attachment(s) from andrian Liem andrianliem@yahoo.com [beasiswa] included below] ...
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