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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

[beasiswa] [info] Marie-Curie Fellowship for an experienced researcher in Computational Neuroscience, University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy)


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From: Maurizio Bertollo <m.bertollo@unich.it>
Date: Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:15 PM

Applications are invited for a two-year Marie-Curie Fellowship for a post-doctoral scientist position at the BIND - Behavioral Imaging and Neural Dynamics Center, University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). The position is funded by the European project ANDREA - Active Nanocoated DRy-electrode for Eeg Applications (http://www.andreaproject.eu; http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/109927_en.html), whose main objective is to develop a novel dry electrode EEG system with adjustable cap network provided with an automated sensor positioning mechanism, active pre-amplification and a software toolbox for automatic artifacts removal.

The successful applicant will mainly contribute to the development and implementation of novel analytical methods for the processing of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals recorded with prototype EEG systems developed in the ANDREA project. The developed analytical methods will be validated within the framework of multimodal and interdisciplinary studies on the neural correlates of human behavior in clinical and non-clinical populations.

Candidates with an excellent academic record in computational neuroscience (or biomedical engineering, or applied physics, or similar), good programming abilities and a strong background in human EEG data analysis are welcome to apply. Knowledge of, and/or experience with, physiological recordings would be a plus. Candidates must be fluent in spoken and written English, and have good communication and team work skills. The position is funded for two years, beginning in Fall 2015. Gross yearly salary will be € 62.361,00 plus €. 11.832,60 for mobility.

Candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria foreseen for this position by the EC: they must have more than 4 and less than 10 years of research experience, and they must have not resided or having carried out study or research activities in Italy for a total of more than 12 months during the 3 years immediately preceding the beginning of this position.

The successful candidate will benefit from the interdisciplinary and intersectoral environment of the ANDREA Project, as well as from the state-of-the-art neuroimaging facilities available.

Further information regarding this position and the application procedures can be obtained by contacting Prof. Silvia Comani, Head of the BIND Center and Coordinator of the ANDREA Project (comani@unich.it). Deadline for applications: July 13, 2015.



Maurizio Bertollo, PhD

Associate Director, Behavioral Imaging and Neural Dynamics (BIND) Center

Department of Medicine and Aging Sciences

University of Chieti

Via dei Vestini, 31

66100 CHIETI

phone +3908713554038 -52

mobile +393387260528

fax +3908713554043



skype: bertollo.maurizio




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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [info] Marie-Curie Fellowship for an experienced researcher in Computational Neuroscience, University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy)   ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Maurizio Bertollo < m.bertollo@unich.it >...
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