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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

[beasiswa] [Info] 2 Ph.D. Positions in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at University of Konstanz


Dear all,

Best regards,
Iwan H. Sahputra

2 Ph.D. Positions in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at University of Konstanz

The University of Konstanz, with its "Institutional Strategy to promote Top-Level Research", has been receiving continuous funding since 2007 within the framework of the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State Governments.
The Quantum Transport Group at the Department of Physics at the University of Konstanz offers
2 Ph.D. Positions in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physic 
(Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 75 %)
One position is in the field of quantum transport in ferromagnetic and/or superconducting hetero-structures (No. 2015/046). The project involves the study of charge, spin and heat transport in phase-and spin-coherent structures containing non-collinear magnetizations (e. g. in the form of domain walls or differently magnetized leads) and/or superconducting contacts. The candidate will be trained in modern quantum field theoretical methods of non-equilibrium solid-state quantum physics, such as Keldysh formalism, Green's functions and quantum Boltzmann equation. Both analytical and numerical techniques will be used and collaborations with experimental groups in this field are planned.
Another position is in the field of quantum dissipation and decoherence in many-body systems (No. 2015/047). The project concerns the study of the decoherence dynamics of interacting spin/qubit lattices coupled to an external environment. The theoretical issues of this project are challenging as the decoherence dynamics of a single degree of freedom, as well as the study of many-body or interacting systems are hard problems even separately. The project aims at gaining insights into the underlying physics focusing on models with reduced dimensionality (quasi 1D lattice qubits). The candidate will be trained in theoretical methods which are on one side quantum field theory techniques (exact solutions) and on the other side theoretical methods used to describe decoherence dynamics in systems with a single degree of freedom (path integral, density matrix).
The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer that tries to increase the number of women in research and teaching. The University of Konstanz has been certified as a family-friendly institution by the Hertie Foundation and is committed to further the compatibility of work and family life. The University of Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified. (contact +49(0)7531/88–4895). The University of Konstanz offers a "Dual Career Couples Programme". Information is available at: http://www.familie.uni-konstanz.de/dual-career/.
Candidates should have a M.Sc. in Physics or equivalent and apply via with e-mail a CV, a motivation letter (half-page) and addresses of at least two references to the following persons:
No. 2015/046: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Belzig (Wolfgang.Belzig@uni-konstanz.de)
No. 2015/047: Dr. Gianluca rastelli (Gianluca.Rastelli@uni-konstanz.de)
The deadline for the applications is 15. April 2015. Later applications are accepted until the positions are filled. The positions are open now, but a later start is possible.


Posted by: Iwan Halim Sahputra <halimits@yahoo.com>
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