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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

[beasiswa] [Info] PhD studentship: Coastal Water Wave Impacts and Splashes: mathematical modelling of the hazards



School of Mathematics University of East Anglia

Project Description


This PhD project will investigate mathematically the effect of a breaking sea wave impact on a person or vehicle. The conditions of wave impact on a coastal structure coincide with the greatest pressure on, and greatest hazard to, pedestrians and vehicles. The work will start with the pressure-impulse theory of Cooker and Peregrine (1995).

Aims and Objectives: 

We aim to enhance a mathematical model of the incompressible flow during the brief time when the breaking wave changes into an up-rushing jet. The impulse exerted by a wave on a pedestrian needs investigating, because every year rogue waves sweep away coastal walkers. In 2006-2010, 46 rogue-wave fatalities occurred worldwide, 7 of them in UK (Nikolkina and Didenkulova, 2011).

Two wider benefits are (a) to quantify the hazard for any coastal site, and (b) to help explain, after the event, the wave damage to a structure, or vehicle, or loss of life. The applications will have the potential for collaboration with the maritime industry and experimenters.

What the Student Will Do (including training): 

Initially there will be some general training in (a) the fluid mechanics of waves (to provide initial data), (b) appropriate mathematical techniques, and (c) LaTeX typesetting.

The objective will be a working mathematical theory, in which we can include a person's broad dimensions and capabilities to resist impact by orientation, stance, and footing. The outputs from the theory will be the impulsive forces on and displacement of a person iasa function of wave impact conditions. The theory will help with collaborative work outside UEA, scaling up results from small-scale laboratory data to full scale.

The forces due to falling jets will also be investigated. Further work will be on impact on a vehicle or other light structure on a seawall.


You should have a first degree in mathematics or physics, with proven ability in mathematical fluid dynamics and the theory of water waves. Experience with constructing and computing solutions of mixed boundary-value problems for Laplace's equation, and a willingness to collaborate with experimenters, are expected.


M.J. Cooker and D.H. Peregrine (1995) Pressure impulse theory for liquid impact problems, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 297, 193--214.

I. Nikolkina and I. Didenkulova (2011) Rogue waves in 2006–2010, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.11, 2913–2924.


Posted by: Jonatan Lassa <jonatan.lassa@gmail.com>
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