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Monday, March 16, 2015

[beasiswa] [Info] 13 PhD places available in graphene science


Dear all,

Best regards,
Iwan H. Sahputra

13 PhD positions on Graphene Based Nanostructures and Materials at sites in UK, France, Spain and Greece
Applications are invited for 13 PhD positions working in graphene-based materials, funded by the EU commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN initiative. These include a post at the Institute of Materials in Nantes concerned with atomic scale DFT modelling of pristine and functionalised graphene, as well as posts including TD-DFT simulations at the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens, Greece.
The network entitled "Enabling Excellence" offers integral R&D training at PhD level around one of the most active and exciting topics at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology, graphene-based nanostructures and materials, and associated instrumentation development. This is accompanied by a unique and continuous Communication training programme throughout the duration of the project. We are looking for: 13 excellent candidates to pursue research leading to a PhD from 2015 to 2018 in a European network of excellent academic and non-academic (e.g. SME) institutions. The successful candidates will have a background in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering or a related discipline. They will be highly motivated researchers with an excellent academic background, team players ready to actively contribute to the network activities.
The fellowships will provide supervised multidisciplinary cutting-edge research training in fundamental knowledge of graphene-based nano-objects, the development of functionalities and processing into macroscopic advanced materials and devices, accompanied by a broad set of characterization techniques. They offer excellent opportunities for personalized complementary training through extended exchanges to academic and industrial European network partners (in UK, France, Spain and Greece), accompanied by activities to develop business skills (with opportunities for spin-off development at the end of the PhD). A significant component will be training in communication. It is one of the skills which will 'Enable'Excellence' ; whether your ambition is a research career, or one in the management of science in industry, or in the politics of framing international science policy.
The fellowship includes a research contract of 36 months on a full-time basis, with the opportunity to register for a PhD thesis. An attractive gross salary according to Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme standards is offered, including a generous mobility allowance and additional family allowance where applicable.
Full details including application procedures are available at http://eetraining.wordpress.com/



Posted by: Iwan Halim Sahputra <halimits@yahoo.com>
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