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Thursday, February 26, 2015

[beasiswa] [info] PhD position in regional ocean biogeochemical modeling


The Environmental Physics Group at ETH Zurich is an interdisciplinary team of researchers interested in the study of the interaction of Earth's major biogeochemical cycles and climate. A particular focus of the group is the investigation of the coastal ocean in the global context. We have an opening for a new
PhD position in regional ocean biogeochemical modeling
In the framework of the Marie Skłodowska Curie Innovative Training Network "Carbon Cascades from Land to Ocean in the Anthropocene (C-CASCADES: http://c-cascades.ulb.ac.be). The overarching goal of this network is to advance our understanding of the transfer of carbon between land and ocean at the planetary scale and its consequences for atmospheric CO2 and climate. The successful candidate will work on subproject 2.1, i.e., the investigation of "the imprint of the Amazon river system on the Atlantic carbon cycle." The primary tasks is the development and application of a new high-resolution regional setup of the Regional Oceanic Modeling System (ROMS) for the equatorial Atlantic and the investigation of the fate and consequences of the organic matter and nutrients that are being supplied to this system via rivers, in particular the Amazon.
The PhD student will be supervised by Prof. Nicolas Gruber, but the project will be tightly embedded in the network. It is planned that the Ph.D. student will spend at least 6 month in secondment at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg under the guidance of Dr. Tatiana Ilyina. The candidate also has the opportunity to interact and collaborate closely with the other 14 "Early Stage Researchers" that are being recruited through this network.

The desired qualifications for the PhD candidates are: Master degree in atmospheric and/or climate sciences, physics, computational sciences or a closely related discipline; experience with a higher programming language; fluency in English; good communication skills; interest in carbon and climate change research. Please note the specific mobility requirements: The applicant must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies etc.) in Switzerland for more than 12 months in the past three years.

In order to receive full consideration, applications must be submitted online before March 7, 2015. Applications should include a CV, a statement of research interest, a list of publications and the names of two academic referees. To submit your application online, please click "Apply now". 

link: https://pub.refline.ch/845721/3750/++publications++/1/index.html


Posted by: Tri Kurniawan Wijaya <trikurniawanwijaya@yahoo.com>
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