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Friday, February 21, 2014

[beasiswa] [Butuh Info] Korean Government Scholarship


Dear All,

Adakah yang pernah mengajukan aplikasi KGSP saat masih di semester akhir?
Jadi GPA akhirnya belum ada, tapi dengan mengajukan surat dari dekanat
bahwa akan lulus pada Agustus 2014.
Satu lagi, apakah KGSP tidak ada syarat toefl? Atau mahasiswa yang
belum pernah mengikuti TOPIK bisa mendaftarkan juga?

Terima kasih perhatiannya. Mohon pencerahannya.

On 2/20/14, ai melani wrote:
> Dear all,
> Ada beasiswa S2 atau S3 di UST. Karena mahasiswa ditempatkan di research
> center, selain Beasiswa KGSP, yang diterima di program UST ini akan mendapat
> tambahan beasiswa:
> Jadi:
> Master: Beasiswa KGSP+ Tambahan beasiswa dari research center 300,000 KRW
> PhD: Beasiswa KGSP + Tambahan beasiswa dari research center 700,000 KRW
> Program ini termasuk memiliki beasiswa tertinggi di Korea dan jadi favorit
> karena nilai beasiswa yang besar^^
> Berikut informasinya:
> 2014 KGSP Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs
> -
> 1. Duration of Scholarship
> - Master's(01.09.2014 ~ 31.08.2017) : 1yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs of
> Master's
> - Doctoral(01.09.2014 ~ 31.08.2018) : 1yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of
> Doctoral
> 2. Application Requirements
> - The Applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenships.
> ※ Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this
> program
> - Applicants should be in good heath, both mentally and physically,
> to stay in Korea for an extend period of time.
> - Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1, 2014.(born after
> Sep. 1 1974)
> - Applicants must hold a bachelor's or master's degree as of Aug. 31, 2014
> - Applicant must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on
> a 4.0 scale,
> 2.80 on a 4.3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks score of 80% or
> higher
> from the previously attended institution.
> ※ If an applicant does not satisfy the above GPA criteria, he/she will be
> disqualified from
> applying to this program.
> - Submission of a certified of english proficiency test score.(Standard
> refer to guideline)
> 3. Application Schedule
> - Application(Post mail or in person) : Feb. 03(Mon.) ~ Mar. 14(Fri.), by
> 18:00, 2014.
> - In-Depth Interview : Mar. 26(Wed.) ~ Mar. 27(Fri.), 2014.
> - Announcement of final sucessful applicant for UST : June. 17(Tue.), 2014.
> 4. Application Documents : Refer to Guideline.
> * Inquiry : Miji Lee (UST, Student Affairs Team)
> - Tel : +82-42-865-2334
> - Mail : admission@ust.ac.kr
> silahkan informasi detail di link berikut:
> http://bit.do/UST-KGSP
> Salam,
> @aimelani
> http://kaist.wordpress.com
> *whats the meaning of life?to be happy and useful*

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [Butuh Info] Korean Government Scholarship   Dear All, Adakah yang pernah mengajukan aplikasi KGSP saat masih di semester akhir? Jadi GPA akhirnya...
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