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Friday, September 20, 2013

[beasiswa] [info] MPhil Studentship in Novel Ultra-Hard Steels - University of Cambridge


One year MPhil Studentship in Novel Ultra-Hard Steels

University of Cambridge -Department Of Materials Science And Metallurgy

Sponsor: SKF Group

Supervisor: Dr Pedro Rivera

Applications are invited for a studentship for a 1 year research programme leading to the award of a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) by Research. The work will focus on the effects of heat treatment on the microstructure of bearing steels. Thermokinetic concepts will be employed to identify compositions displaying an improved combination of hardness and rolling contact fatigue properties, whilst the steel can be produced by conventional steelmaking and casting processes. The new type of bearing steel must be capable of operating at significantly higher loads than currently available alloys.

The work will be performed within the framework of the SKF University Technology Centre at the University of Cambridge, under the sponsorship of the European Union and SKF, and the supervision of Dr. Pedro Rivera.

The ideal candidate should have a strong background in metallurgy with a preference for steels, and interest in microstructural design. Knowledge in computational thermodynamics and kinetics software is required. The candidate must be familiar with the theory of microstructural stability, phase transitions and hardening mechanisms. Due to funding restrictions full funding is available for students who pay 'home' or 'overseas' rate fees.

The minimum academic requirement for admission is an upper second class UK honours degree at the level of BSci, BEng, BPhys, etc, (or overseas equivalents) in a relevant subject. The studentship is expected to begin in January 2014. Application packs are available via the Apply link below or from Dr Rosie Ward (remw2@cam.ac.uk) who is happy to answer questions about the admissions process and funding opportunities available.

Enquiries about the scientific nature of the work can be addressed to Dr. Pedro Rivera (pejr2@cam.ac.uk).

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