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Friday, September 20, 2013

[beasiswa] [info] Doctoral Scholarship - Centre for Resource Efficient Manufacturing, Teesside University


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Research Doctoral Scholarship

Teesside University -Technology Futures Institute

An enhanced stipend of £15,000 per annum is offered to a strong candidate for a full time PhD scholarship within the Centre for Resource Efficient Manufacturing.  The scholarship is funded by Teesside University, and will be for three years, subject to satisfactory progress.

Project Summary:

Teesside University, the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) of the University of Cambridge and the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) are creating a novel collaboration to research and develop Resource Efficient Manufacturing.

Under the supervision of Dr Graham Hillier, the Centre's Director, the successful applicant will:

  • carry out research into the development and application of novel manufacturing processes that reduce resource use while improving the flexibility, efficiency and quality of the products being produced
  • work with the partners to understand existing manufacturing routes for selected products and look at the development of new more resource efficient processes that replace them.

This work will involve an understanding of manufacturing combined with the ability to map value and resource chains in order to develop economic analyses of current and future processes. The aim is to understand the drivers of manufacturing change plus the technological and social challenges that have to be addressed to create more resource efficient processes. 

Entry Requirements:

Applicants should hold or expect to obtain a good honours degree (2.1 or above) and/or Masters level qualification Manufacturing, Process Engineering or an associated discipline.  

The studentship requires good background knowledge in a number of areas, which are likely to include: process modelling, techno-economic analysis, manufacturing, systems dynamics and sustainable or resource efficient processes. Strong thinking and analytical skills will be essential for the studentship.

Although we can accept applications from overseas students, due to funding restrictions the funding will only cover a home student fee. The difference between the home and international student fee would be payable by the applicant.

Application forms and further details on the project can be obtained from the Graduate Research School by clicking on the Apply button below (tel. 01642 384438). For informal enquiries, please contact Dr Graham Hillier (Graham.Hillier@uk-cpi.com).

The deadline for applications is 1st November 2013.

The selection process will start shortly after, and interviews are expected to take place late November/early December, with the studentship commencing in February 2014.



Dono Widiatmoko

Senior Lecturer in Evidence Based Practice and Health Economics

Programme Leader for MSc Public Health

E: d.widiatmoko@tees.ac.uk T: +44-1642-384981  


















Teesside University is an educational charitable and chartered corporation, exempt under the terms of the Charities Act 2011.





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