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Monday, June 24, 2013

[beasiswa] Re: [butuh info] Beasiswa dari Telecom Bretagne


I wasn't fortunate enough to study at ENST Bretagne (the old name of Telecom-Bretagne).

Has ENST Bretagne guaranteed a scholarship? Out of curiosity I looked at ENST's public website. http://www.telecom-bretagne.eu/studies/msc/faq/cost.php

It says:

C2. Can Telecom Bretagne help me get a scholarship?

Telecom Bretagne does its utmost to help students get financial support. Only the best student files with exceptional academic records are submitted to the "Fondation Telecom" and to other institutions mainly related to sponsor companies. The number of scholarships is limited and varies each year depending on the sponsors' donations to the foundations.

Decisions are generally made in April.

C3. How do I apply for a scholarship? When?

Applying specifically for a scholarship is not necessary but it can be mentioned in the funding section of students' MSc programme online application. After been admitted and their documents (certified hard copies) have been received at Telecom Bretagne, students are informed about a possible scholarship.

It is important to be aware that Telecom Scholarships for Excellence are aimed at outstanding students graduated from renowned universities only.

I hope that your LOA makes a stronger statement about scholarships, because the above doesn't guarantee it. It only says that ENST will support it, but it is up to Fondation Telecom, which is separate from ENST. You should ask ENST to (1) at least guarantee that they will support your application, and (2) what percentage of applications for scholarship are approved. Then you can decide for yourself the risk/reward.

Both sides have to move forward to make sure you can study under the scholarship.


--- In beasiswa@yahoogroups.com, Sisihlia Yuniyarti <ccl_shining@...> wrote:
> Dear Mas Julius
> Terima kasih untuk sarannya
> Tapi sampai sekarang saya masih belum dapat email resmi dari pihak Fondation Telecom. Sebelumnya saya hanya mendapat tawaran dari pihak kampus. Kalau boleh tau, apa mas juga study di Telecom Bretagne?
> Best regards,
> Sisihlia Yuniyarti
> On 23 Jun 2013, at 20:32, "julius_kusuma" <julius_kusuma@...> wrote:
> > First, congratulations on your admission and scholarship. ENST Bretagne is a fantastic school.
> >
> > Second, make sure that the LoA and scholarship are legitimate and compatible with each other. ENST and Fondation Telecom are *two different entities*. So it makes sense that ENST asks for a 20% deposit, which I think should be reimbursed when you receive the full scholarship from Fondation Telecom.
> >
> > Think of it as if Fondation Telecom were your rich uncle, and ENST Bretagne was trying to sell you a house. Your uncle may have promised to give you money, but ENST may want a deposit in case the transaction fails due to some reason.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Julius
> >
> > --- In beasiswa@yahoogroups.com, Sisihlia Yuniyarti <ccl_shining@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear Milister
> > >
> > > Perkenalkan nama saya Yuni. Saya sudah mendapatkan LoA dari Telecom Bretagne dan tawaran beasiswa dari kampus yang katanya berasal dari Fondation Telecom dengan program TSE. Saya tentu sangat senang dengan tawaran tersebut. Tapi pihak kampus tetap meminta saya untuk membayar deposit sebesar 20%. Yang saya bingung bukannya saya sudah mendapat beasiswa tapi kenapa masih disuruh bayar uang deposit.
> > > Mohon masukannya dari kawan-kawan sekalian apa ada yang punya pengalaman serupa
> > >
> > > Terima kasih
> > >
> > > Yuni
> > >
> >
> >

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