Stipend offer
In the frame of the realized TEAM SYMPHONY project, sponsored by the Foundation for Polish Science, the University of Białystok, Poland, offers the following positions:
I. „PostDoc": 3 positions; stipend: 5000,- PLN per month; maximum duration time of the contract: from 2013.07.15 to 2015.06.30, requirements: possession of Ph.D. in physical sciences, obtained not earlier than four years ago (the date of award of the Ph.D. must be later than 10th July 2009), willingness to work in the project TEAM SYMPHONY starting from the second half of July 2013 and research experience in one of the three topics listeded below:
· PostDoc1: patterning of ultrathin magnetic layers by ion irradiation; study of magnetic, magnetooptic and structural properties of such objects, using: (i) magnetooptic magnetometry and magnetooptic polarization microscopy; (ii) scanning atomic (AFM) and magnetic (MFM) force microscopy; (iii) ferromagnetic resonance spectrometry (FMR); (iv) X-ray diffraction and absorption methods (including various synchrotron techniques, e.g. XAS, XMCD and EXAFS); as well as numeric modeling of ion irradiation changes of nanostructures.
· PostDoc2: modification and study of magnetic nanostructures using laser light sources (including femtocesond ones); study of ultrafast processes of excitation of spin wave using femtosecond light sources; modeling of: (i) dynamics of magnetization reversal processes, (ii) magnetooptical properties of nanostructures.
· PostDoc3: study of spatial distributions of both magnetic and mgnetooptical properties of magnetic nanostructures (modified by e.g. ion/light irradiation), using various techniques of magnetooptical magnetometry and digital image processing.
II. Student: 2 positions; stipend: 1000,- PLN per month; maximum duration time of the contract: from 2013.09.01 to 2014.06.30; requirements: the completion of either the 4th year graduate studies in physics or the first year of the second cycle study of physics.
The Candidates for the „PostDoc" position have to send to, before 10th July 2013, the following documents (prepared either in Polish or in English): (i) curriculum vitae; (ii) either copy of Ph.D. diploma or other document certifying the possession of Ph.D.; (iii) opinion of either promotor or the head of the home research unit; (iv) documentation of scientific achievements - copies of papers and a list of conference presentations; (v) application for employment, cover letter, contact information (including e-mail and phone number) and the declaration of readiness to work within the TEAM project SYMPHONY starting from the second half of July 2013.
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