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Monday, August 27, 2012

[beasiswa] Re: [info] Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships, 2013-2014


Saya bermaksud berbagi info mengenai application package untuk beasiswa ini (sekaligus menjawab pertanyaan saya sendiri, hehe...)

Adapun jawaban dari pihak Kedubes Swiss adalah sebagai berikut:


The Swiss Government through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) grants limited number of scholarships for Indonesian postgraduates wishing to undertake research or PhD studies. The specific information on the scholarships is available on http://www.sbf.admin.ch/htm/themen/bildung/stipendien/eskas_en.html

Only persons who meet the prerequisites mentioned on the website are qualified to apply for the scholarships. For this reason, the application package will be sent to these persons who have submitted by e-mail to jak.vertretung@eda.admin.ch the following information and documents:

1. Name of the intended university in Switzerland and type of scholarship (research/PhD/postdoctoral research). Please note that the applicants must apply for only one university.

2. Recent CV (information on birth date, language skills, education background, recent address, professional career as well as academic publications should be included)

3. A confirmation letter from a professor from the Swiss host institution stating that he/she is willing to supervise the research; or in the case where PhD is run within a structured doctoral school, the applicants have to provide an admission letter or the proof that they are being considered for admission

4. A research proposal (research and PhD scholarships: approx. 5 pages; postdoctoral research: approx. 15 pages)

5. For postdoctoral scholarships: a copy of PhD certificate

The complete application documents should be submitted to Embassy of Switzerland in Jakarta at the latest on November 16, 2012. Only some short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview in December 2012 at Embassy of Switzerland in Jakarta.


--- In beasiswa@yahoogroups.com, "dedynamo" <dedynamo@...> wrote:
> Permisi, mohon info mengenai pernyataan di Application Procedure.
> Tertulis: "The application package can be obtained from the Swiss Embassy in Jakarta"
> Apakah hal tersebut berarti bahwa pelamar harus secara fisik datang ke Kedubes Swiss (di Jakarta) untuk mengambil Application Package tersebut?
> Saya sudah kontak jak.vertretung@..., namun belum dijawab setelah lewat 3 hari. Terima kasih.
> Dedy

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] Re: [info] Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships, 2013-2014   Saya bermaksud berbagi info mengenai application package untuk beasiswa ini (sekaligus menjawa...
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