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Sunday, September 11, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] How to Get Success in Scholarship Interview, Focused on Interview Question


The next process after your application and the supporting documents admitted by scholarship selection committee is interview session. Generally, in the interview session you only need to spend about 15 – 30 minutes, however, this is the most important opportunity for you to prove to the interviewer that you are the best candidate they are looking for. Therefore, you should spend much more time to prepare your self  to face this.  Imagine , your future success both academic and professional career is depending on less than thirty minutes of the interview.

What should you do for the  interview preparation?

In the interview session the candidates will be assessed about their personal quality. The interview question always mainly focused on the questions of candidate character, emotion, motivation, future planning, commitment to get the scholarship and eagerness to improve his or her future professional career. To deal with these questions, the candidates should give diplomatic answer but not lie. This kind of answer might impress the interviewer about your ability to deal with difficult situation and also indicate that you are smart person, but again do not ever lie. Believe me, lie answer would be recognized easily by the interviewer. Your body language could not able to manipulate the truth.

The followings are the common question in the scholarship interview session, so you should prepare and give the best answer to response those question depends on your own situation. Remember, these question only a sample and you might find more varied question in other resources.

1.       Please describe about yourself!
This is a chance for you to introduce about yourself  even though the interviewer has got information about you thorough your application form and CV.
2.       What your motivation to apply the scholarship?
Tell to the interviewer a smart answer of this question, for example: to improve your academic ability
3.       What your consideration in choosing this university?
Convince the interviewers that the chosen university is the best for you. Show them that you have been informed well about the university.
4.       Why the study program is important for you?
Describe completely that the study will contribute significantly for the development of  your professional career and your social environment and explain that the course is the most suitable for you. Remember, there is no institution would give you a scholarship if you have wrong decision in choosing study program.  
5.       What future career do you expected?
I believe all of us have an ambition in term future career. So just tell honestly to the interviewer about this. You will get good point if your career expectation strongly connected with your proposed study program.
6.       How do you apply the new skill (study program) to support the development of your institution or your country?
Please explain your project after finishing your study. The interviewer always want to know about your planing when return to your home country to assure the study will bring advantage not only for yourself but also for your country. Give your best answer of this.
7.       Personal questions such us, what your hobby, do you have boy friend/girl friend, how do you spend your leisure time, and so on, some time also be asked. However, what ever the question you should give your smart answer.

Source: http://alturl.com/6sv94 

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