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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Re: [beasiswa] [butuh info] tes TPA


Hi riyut,

Saya pernah mengikuti tes TPA di bappennas.
Bisa buka  http://upp-tpa.com/jadwal-tpa
tes sudah terjadwal. Dari website tsb riyut akan tau no fax & phone.
pendaftaran via fax, tidak bisa online.
pembayaran via transfer, rekening bs ditanyakan sendiri.

good luck,

--- On Sun, 22/5/11, Riozz Tirta <riozztirta@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Riozz Tirta <riozztirta@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [beasiswa] [butuh info] tes TPA
To: beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
Received: Sunday, 22 May, 2011, 7:00 PM


Dear Riyut, kamu langsung aja daftar di ITB, ke BNI Cabang ITB, Rekening Penampungan S2/S3 (SPS-ITB) No. 0900001035 Jln. Tamansari No. 80 Bandung (selanjutnya bukti pembayaran dilampirkan dalam berkas lamaran) ada di situs www.sps.itb.ac.id. Nanti bukti pembayarannya dilampirkan di map pendaftaran pas mau apply. Nanti ada jadwalnya utk gelombang 2, biasanya tesnya di gedung GSG (lewat gerbang belakang dekat Sabuga).
Jangan lupa pake jaket (pagi2 dingin, tp siangnya jd panas) tesnya sndiri dr jam 7-12.
Good luck!
Riostantieka MS

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Ria Fitriana <rfitriana79@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear Teman-teman,

Mohon info dari teman-teman, dimanakah saya bisa ikut tes TPA, yang saya tahu di BAPPENAS, saya ingin tahu apakah jadwal tes sudah terjadwal atau bagaimana?karena saya rencana akan daftar master di ITB dan mereka mengadakan tes TPA pada 2 Juli dan kebetulan pada tgl tsb saya sedang dinas dari kantor.

Tolong sharing ya teman2:),makasih.

"Strong man stands up for himself, stronger man stands up for others"


--- Pada Sel, 17/5/11, Luth - <lut8_ss@yahoo.com> menulis:

Dari: Luth - <lut8_ss@yahoo.com>
Judul: [beasiswa] [info] PhD student position in molecular biology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Unive
Kepada: "beasiswa" <beasiswa@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "Sumarno UB" <soe.marno@yahoo.co.id>, "Iwan UB" <iwanuwg@yahoo.com>, "Ade Kadarisman" <adekadarisman@gmail.com>, "BeasiswaLN_DIKTI" <BeasiswaLN_DIKTI@yahoogroups.com>
Tanggal: Selasa, 17 Mei, 2011, 9:06 PM


Germany PhD student position in molecular biology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Unive

on May 13th, 2011
We are seeking PhD students (E13/2) interested in the molecular mechanisms of synaptic   cell loss in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). The project mainly involves molecular biology (cloning of viral vectors) and modern imaging approaches like in vivo two-photon imaging in mouse models of AD and PD (see, for instance Fuhrmann et al. Nature Neurosci. 2010; Kienast et al. Nature Med. 2010, Bittner et al. J. Neurosci. 2009). Experience in imaging techniques and image analysis are required.

We provide a stimulating and interactive research environment in a new research building, including state-of-the-art microscopy and software tools, and access to a variety of mouse models. Collaborations within and outside of the department are encouraged.

Applications should be sent to Prof. Dr. Jochen Herms, Zentrum für Neuropathologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Feodor-Lynen-Str. 23, 81377 München, Germany, Phone: +49 089 2180-78010, submit electronically as one file to sonja.Einhaus@med.uni-muenchen.de

For Further Information



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5 Forum Beasiswa: Re: [beasiswa] [butuh info] tes TPA   Hi riyut, Saya pernah mengikuti tes TPA di bappennas. Bisa buka  http://upp-tpa.com/jadwal-tpa tes sudah...
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