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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

[beasiswa] [INFO] Open PostDoc Positions at Software Technology Group (TU Darmstadt)


Dear all,

we are happy to announce that starting this fall we will have new openings
at the PostDoc level. The Software Technology
Group, headed by Prof. Mira Mezini, conducts research dedicated to
developing new technologies that help to construct high-quality
software in a productive way. We use and develop an exciting set of
technologies involving object-oriented, domain-specific and
aspect-oriented programming languages, language support through
runtime mechanisms such as virtual
machines, programmer support in Integrated Development Environments,
and static and dynamic program analysis. For more information consult

Darmstadt has a unique concentration of IT security expertise that is provided
via CASED (Advanced Security Research Darmstadt ) and the Fraunhofer SIT, as
well as the BMBF "Spitzencluster" (the Initiative for Excellence
started by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research) and the
European Institute of Technology (EIT), with well over 200 scientists
in the area of IT security.

CASED offers an attractive, international environment
with students and scientists from all over the world. PostDocs will
become members of the CASED PostDoc Program, which offer similar
support targeted towards developing a strong professional career path.
Successful PostDocs are regularly given the opportunity to found their
own Junior Research Groups in CASED.

Darmstadt is an attractive city at the heart of the Rhein-Main Area
right in the center of Germany. We are only a 20-minutes ride away
from Frankfurt, and from Frankfurt Airport in particular, which will
bring you to many destinations worldwide in a single hop. Munich,
Cologne and Paris can be reached within two hours.

We are looking to increase the proportion of female scientists and
therefore particularly encourage applications of female PostDocs.

To apply for a position, please email your CV, while in your email
clearly stating the following information:

- That you are applying at the PostDoc level (we have PhD-level opening as well)
- Which research topic/question interests you most? (brief paragraph)
- Contact data of two references

Please email your application to jobs@st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
Mira Mezini and Eric Bodden
Dr. Eric Bodden, http://bodden.de/
Principal Investigator in Secure Services at CASED
Coordinator of the CASED Advisory Board of Study Affairs
PostDoc at Software Technology Group, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Tel: +49 6151 16-5478    Fax: +49 6151 16-5410
Mailing Address: S2|02 A209, Hochschulstraße 10, 64289 Darmstadt

Indira Nurdiani
Software Engineering Global interAction Lab (SEGAL)
Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria
British Columbia, Canada

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [INFO] Open PostDoc Positions at Software Technology Group (TU Darmstadt)   Dear all, we are happy to announce that starting this fall we will have new openings at the PostDoc l...
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