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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] Postdoctoral Researchers : seville


Fundacion Progreso Y Salud: job description

Selection procedure for 2 postdoctoral researchers to be based in research centres associated to the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health, after completion of a training stay in the field of Cell Reprogramming at the Michigan State University (EE.UU.)

Postdoctoral Researchers

The Fundacion Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud – the central entity for research management and support under the Ministry of Health of the Andalusian Regional Government – is announcing a selection process for up to 2 postdoctoral researchers to be based in sanitary and/or research centres associated to the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health, after completion of a training stay of specialization at the Michigan State University (EE.UU) in the field of Cell Reprogramming.

This call is made in the context of the Ministry of Health's strategic goal of reinforcing, knowledge generation within the Andalusian Public Health System, specifically of encouraging biomedical research in the field of Advanced Therapies, and in particular in the field of Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine.

Object of the call

The main objective of this call is to incorporate to Andalusia researchers with training and competitive scientific career in the field of Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, and in particular in the field of Cell Reprogramming, including a training stay at research centres of renowned international prestige in R+D.

Required profile:

Essential requirements:
• To be officially qualified as a PhD in health sciences related studies (Biology, Medicine, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Veterinary…) during the last 5 years.
• To have original publications (not revisions) as the main author, in the field of Molecular and Cell Biology, having appeared in international journals within the last 3 years.
• Proven experience in qRT-PCR, DNA cloning, promoters characterization, western-blot, southern-blot, animal cell culture systems and cell transfection is a must.
• Advanced knowledge of the English language, both written and spoken.
• Availability to travel

The following aspects will be favourably regarded:
• Previous stays at internationally renowned R+D centres.
• To have publications in the field of Developmental Biology.
• Proven knowledge and experience in FISH technique.
• Proven experience in embryology.
• Level of scientific production.


The call will be announced on the following Web pages:
• Consejería de Salud
• Servicio Andaluz de Salud
• Banco Andaluz de Células Madre
• Iniciativa Andaluza de Terapias Avanzadas
• Red de Terapia Celular
• Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa
• Plataforma Tecnológica de medicamentos innovadores
• Centro de Innovación y Transferencia en Andalucia
• Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
• Andalucía Investiga
OTRIS Andaluzas
• Madri+d
• Sociedad Española de Terapia Génica y Celular
• Sociedad Española de Transfusión Sanguínea y Terapia Celular
• Sociedad Española de Genética
• Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
• Red Nacional de Liberación de Fármacos
• Red Española de I+D+i (RedIris)
• Centro Nacional de Biotecnología
• Genoma España
• Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC)
• Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO)
• Naturejobs
• New Scientist Jobs
• European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy
• International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)
• International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT)
• EuroStemCell
• Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS)
REGIC (Red de Entidades Gestoras de Investigación Clínica)

Additional information:

 Centre of the training stay of specialization: Cellular Reprogramming Laboratory at Michigan State University, EE.UU., under the supervision of Dr. José Cibelli.

 Duration of the aid: 24 months (training) + 24 months (reintegration).

 Characteristics of the aid: The aid (both training and reintegration) will be completely funded by the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health or with funds captured by the Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud for that purpose.

 Reintegration commitment: there is an applicant's commitment to return to a research centre of the Public Health System in Andalusia after completion of the training stay. The reintegration phase will be at least for five years.

For detailed information on the full conditions of the call, visit the following link:


Submission of Applications

Applications to be presented electronically using the following Internet address:


Candidates must fill out all requested identification data, as well as attach their CV (in English). It is an essential requirement to provide on the first page of the CV a brief summary (in English) of the reasons for applying to participate in the selection process.

The period for the electronic submission of applications will run until 15th May 2011 at 13:00 hours. Mere submission of the application for the fellowship implies the applicant's agreement and acceptance of these conditions.
Additional information about requirements and conditions of the vacancy offered should be addressed to desarrollo.movilidad.fps@juntadeandalucia.es.

Sevilla, 08th April 2011

Juan Jesús Bandera González

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [info] Postdoctoral Researchers : seville   Fundacion Progreso Y Salud: job description Selection procedure for 2 postdoctoral re...
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