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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] PhD in the Dynamics and Environmental Impact of Sub-surface Peat Fires : UCD, Dublin, Ireland


PhD in the Dynamics and Environmental Impact of Sub-surface Peat Fires : UCD, Dublin, Ireland

Earth Sciences Institute, University College Dublin: job description

A fully funded PhD opportunity to look at the dynamics of sub-surface peat fires is available as part of the Structured PhD Program of the Earth Sciences Institute, University College Dublin (http://www.ucd.ie/earth). The PhD will be co-supervised by Jon Yearsley (UCD), Guillermo Rein (University of Edinburgh) and Claire Belcher (University of Edinburgh).

Research Plan

The core of the PhD will study sub-surface peatland fire behaviour by performing experimental peat burns for a range environmental conditions. The student will develop the experimental protocol at the Centre for Fire Safety Engineering (University of Edinburgh) and then installed at UCD for the majority of the experimental manipulations.

This project combines fire dynamics and Earth systems research and builds upon an existing collaboration between UCD and University of Edinburgh. The work has relevance to climate change mitigation/adaptation, managing peatland carbon stores against the risk of sub-surface fires and the fundamental science of smouldering fire.

Requirements and Application Details

We are looking for an outstanding student with interest in undertaking experimental research on the interface between fire dynamics, Earth systems and ecological modelling. The successful applicant will hold an undergraduate degree in a relevant subject.

Details on how to apply can be found at http://www.ucd.ie/earth under "PhD Programme in Earth and Natural Sciences " of the "Graduate Training" section. This research project has the code BIO 3 in the project description booklet (http://lnk.nu/ucd.ie/1ln9.pdf).

Please contact Jon Yearsley (jon.yearsley@ucd.ie) for further information.

Applications should be received before 13th May 2011.

The project will start on 1st September 2011.

Jon Yearsley: http://www.ucd.ie/earth/people/academic/jonathanyearsley/
Guillermo Rein: http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/fire/staff-guillermo.html
Claire Belcher: http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/fire/staff-claire.html

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