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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] Post-Doctoral Researcher on EM-Solvers for Metal Gratings in Nano-Lithography


Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) - Post-Doctoral Researcher on EM-Solvers for Metal Gratings in Nano-Lithography

Job description

Metal gratings occur in several applications in the semiconductor industry. Since metals are important for wiring on integrated circuits (ICs), metal periodic structures (gratings) occur naturally in process monitoring for lithographic production of ICs, for instance as a sequence of vias or contact holes or as reference targets during after-etch inspection. A second application regards the masks used in lithographic IC production, where a full clip is repeated many times over the mask. For these applications, scattering by metal gratings at optical frequencies is an interesting modeling topic as it covers wide parameter ranges, such as the period of the grating versus the wavelength of the source. Also, several observables, e.g. reflection and transmission coefficients, are of interest. The numerical analysis of metal gratings is particularly challenging since metals support wave phenomena, e.g. plasmon waves, that are not encountered in purely dielectric media.

The current project is part of a larger joint research effort between ASML and TU/e in the field of Computational Lithography. In this context, accurate and time-efficient Maxwell solvers for optical scattering at sub-wavelength nanostructures are essential. In a recent benchmark study [1], several optical scattering solvers have been assessed regarding accuracy and efficiency.

The aim of the project is to develop an accurate and efficient forward modeling method to analyze the scattering of electromagnetic waves by gratings consisting of dielectric materials and metals, in the presence of a layered dielectric substrate.  Apart from the method being robust, it must also have a high efficiency which relates both to the computation time and the memory requirements. In a second step, further development of the method will be focused on its use in an optimization algorithm aimed at improving the quality of the lithographic process.

[1]        Besbes, M. et al., 'Numerical analysis of a slit-groove diffraction problem', Journal of the European Optical Society, Rapid Publications 2, 07022, 2007.


We are looking for candidates from the general area of computational physics (electrical engineering, physics, and mathematics), who have experience in implementing advanced algorithms, and who have recently obtained or will soon obtain a Ph.D. degree.

The postdoc is expected to spend part of his/her time at ASML and to closely cooperate with application experts to enable synergy between modeling and application engineering. Therefore, the candidate should have a feeling for the dynamics of industrial research and be capable of working with experts from diverse disciplines.

This research project is funded by ASML and has a formal starting date on October 1 2011, but preferably earlier if the candidate is available sooner. Therefore, we are especially interested in candidates who are able to start at short notic

Conditions of employment

We offer:

-  a full-time temporary appointment that will start as soon as possible and will run for 2 years until the end of 2013; there is   the possibility to extend the contract with a 3rd year.
-  a challenging position at a dynamic and ambitious university that has its research well embedded in the industrial scene around Eindhoven in the Netherlands.
-  a gross monthly salary in accordance with the Collective Labor agreement of the Dutch Universities (CAO NU) depending on prior experience. An offer will be based on your knowledge and experience.
-  moreover 8% bonus share (holiday supplement) and an end year allowance annually.
-  a broad, attractive package of fringe benefits (including an excellent technical infrastructure, child care, savings schemes, and excellent sports facilities).
-  for foreign staff, it might be possible to apply for the 30%-reimbursement ruling at the Dutch tax office (the TU/e will help you with the application). If the regulation is granted could lead to a substantial increase in net salary. Assistance for finding accommodation can be give

Additional information

More information can be obtained from: Dr.ir. M.C. van Beurden (+31-40-2473976)  m.c.v.beurden@tue.nl or
Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis, a.g.tijhuis@tue.nl.

For terms of employment please contact: Ms F. Verheggen, HR-advisor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (+31-40-2474796) f.verheggen@tue.nl

Both TU/e and ASML representatives will participate in the interviews.


Interested? Let us know. To ensure consideration, your application should include:

- An application letter that outlines your qualification, interest and motivation for this position

- A CV with details on education, employment, publications, and research experience, as well as contact information for 1-2 referees.

In addition please indicate when you would be available to assume a position.

You can apply for this position before 15-05-2011. The application can be send, in electronic form, by using the  'Apply Now' button.

More information about employer Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) on AcademicTransfer. Direct link to this job opening: www.academictransfer.com/9362


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