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Thursday, April 21, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] PhD student Health


Job description

The division of labor in visual processing between two relatively separate cortical pathways, a ventral and a dorsal stream, has been hotly debated in the last decades: is the separation along attributes (ventral 'what' vs. dorsal 'where') or along tasks (ventral perception vs. dorsal action). So far, behavioral studies using motor tasks known to rely on the dorsal stream have yielded ambiguous results.

In this NWO project, you will develop novel motor and perceptual tasks involving visual illusions that can be exploited in a neuroimaging environment in order to test between these models of visual information processing. This project is a collaboration with Pieter Medendorp of the Donders Institute of the Radboud University; the neuroimaging experiments will be performed in his lab in Nijmegen.

Part of your work will be to contribute to the Faculty education program for 160 hours in the first and second year of the project.


We are looking for a highly motivated and creative candidates with a MSc in (one of) the natural sciences, human movement sciences, mechanical or biomedical engineering, psychology or related discipline. A strong mathematical background and experience in programming (e.g. MatLab) are very welcome as well as excellent writing and presentation skills in English.


End procedure 8 May 2011

Conditions of employment

The initial appointment will be for a period of 18 months. After satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment it will be extended for a total duration of 4 years. You can find information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment at http://www.workingatvu.nl like

  • a wide range of sports facilities which staff may use at a modest charge;
  • generous contribution (70%) commuting allowance based on public transport and
  • remuneration of  8,3% end-of-year bonus and  8% holiday allowance.

The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel, and amounts € 2.042,-  gross per month in the first year up to € 2.612,- in the fourth year based on a full-time employment.

Contract type


18 months

Additional information

Please find additional information about the Amsterdam group at http://www3.fbw.vu.nl/~Smeets/ and information about the Nijmegen lab at http://www.sensorimotorlab.com .

For more information regarding the content of the project and the function demands, please contact Prof. Dr. J. B. J. Smeets, e-mail: j.Smeets@fbw.vu.nl or Dr. W.P. Medendorp, e-mail: p.medendorp@donders.ru.nl.

Before May 8, 2011 applicants are requested to write a letter in which they describe their abilities and motivation, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendation. Written applications should be sent to: VU University Amsterdam,Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Attn.: mrs. drs. O.M. Jukema, Van der Boechorststraat 9, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands It is also possible to apply by e-mail to: vacature@fbw.vu.nl

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [info] PhD student Health   Job description The division of labor in visual processing between two relatively separate cortical path...
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