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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

[beasiswa] [INFO] Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) - PhD student Trusted Healthcare Services


Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) - PhD student Trusted Healthcare Services

PhD student Trusted Healthcare Services

Job description

TU/e, department, group
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is an internationally-oriented organization of scientific education and research. It is a research driven, design oriented university of technology at an international level. In the research field, the TU/e focuses within the 'engineering science & technology' domain on the three specific areas from which one is Health. In brief, the TU/e profiles itself as the university where innovation starts. It is one of the top five European Technology Universities with most publications co-authored with industry world-wide.

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science provides undergraduate and MSc programs in Mathematics and Computer Science. The department has approximately 350 employees and more than 700 students. It consists of seven sections including the Security and Embedded Networked Systems (SENS) section where the PhD student will be placed. The security part of this section is also part of the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information (EiPSI).

Project description:
Trusted Healthcare Services (THeCS) is a Dutch national project with 12 partners including representatives from industry such as Philips Electronics, Dutch research institutes, such as TNO, Dutch universities (Delft, Twente, Tilburg), and hospitals such as Roessingh hospital. The project addresses the key issue for new healthcare services which is trust. In these services, healthcare providers need to trust the patient data they obtain remotely from the measurement devices deployed in patient's home. It is crucial for them to know that a vital sign of a registered patient is measured (not of his friends/children), that the measurement was taken with a certified device, under standardized conditions (e.g. with the blood pressure cuff on the arm at the heart level) and that it is not obtained as a result of device malfunctioning. Patients need to trust the service in general, as well as that the service will properly protect their personal data. Patients also want the possibility to control their personal health information on social/patient networks. The project will also help patients to participate in social networks while ensuring their privacy and controlling the use of information in a simple intuitive way.

Within the project, TU/e will mainly focus on the trust management work package of home healthcare services to develop technology for physicians and patients to easily determine the trustworthiness of the information. In particular, TU/e goals will be to investigate the issue of data trustworthiness from the home healthcare provider and patient perspectives, as well as to design methods and tools to increase and visualize indicators for data reliability as well as to enable patient compliance to the treatment plan. The PhD student will work on these topics together with a few other TU/e faculty members as well as with Philips Research which is the other partner involved in this work package. The PhD student might also be placed at Philips for a couple of months.

As a PhD student your tasks concern the following activities:

·  perform scientific research in the described domain;

·  present results on international conferences;

·  publish results in scientific journals;

·  supervise MSc students on topics related to your research;

·  participate in activities of the group and the department;

·  assist staff in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in the domain of the group.


We are looking for talented, enthusiastic PhD candidates who meet the following requirements:

·  an MSc degree in Medical Informatics, Computer Science, Mathematics or closely related field (at the time the candidate starts -Q2 or beginning of Q3 in 2011);

·  an interest in medical informatics and information security;

·  creative, proactive team player with good analytical skills

·  good communicative skills in English, both written and oral;

·  knowledge of trust management, medical informatics, home healthcare systems is a plus.

Conditions of employment

We offer:

·  a full-time temporary appointment for a period of 4 years, with an intermediate evaluation after 10 months;

·  a gross salary of € 2,042 per month in the first year, increasing up to € 2,612 per month in the fourth year;

·  support for your personal development and career planning including courses, summer schools, conference visits etc.;

·  a broad package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical infrastructure, child daycare, savings schemes, and excellent sports facilities).

Additional information

More information can be obtained from:

·  regarding your application: Mrs. P.J. Evers, HR advisor, e-mail: pzwin@tue.nl

·  regarding the project content: Prof.dr. M. Petkovic, tel. +31 (0)247 4797, e-mail: m.petkovic@tue.nl
Please do not send your application by e-mail, but use the APPLY NOW button !!

The application should consist of the following parts:

·  a motivation letter;

·  a Curriculum Vitae;

·  copies of diplomas together with the list of grades and other relevant certificates;

·  names and addresses of two referees;

·  proof of English language skills (if applicable).
Please send us your application before
May 1st 2011 using the 'APPLY NOW' button

More information about employer Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) on AcademicTransfer. Direct link to this job opening: www.academictransfer.com/9352


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