Below I forward the information about Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2011. This is such a great forum to discuss with young fellows and learn about chinese culture, economic and development. For me, this experience is last for the lifetime.
Please feel free to read the attachment and forward it to respective Indonesia candidates/friends.
Thank you.
From: The Dragon Foundation 龍傳基金 Program Worker <>
Subject: UPDATE- Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2011 (24 July - 1 Aug 2011)
To: "The Dragon Foundation 龍傳基金 Program Worker" <>
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 5:46 PM
Dear Dragons and friends,
It's time to promote the Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2011 to your friends or any Chinese youth leaders to participant this meaningful programme. The programme will be held on 24 July – 1 Aug 2011which will provide a platform for meeting, sharing and discussion by participants who despite their different backgrounds have the same Chinese ethnicity.Participants would be able to gain a better understanding of their Chinese origin, hence reinforcing their sense of identity as outstanding "Young Dragons".
Details of the Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2011 are as follow:
Date: 24 July to 1 August 2011
Location: Hong Kong (3-day) and Taiwan (6-day)
Number of participants: 100 (including ethnic Chinese youth leaders from HKSAR, Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, other Southeast Asia countries & elsewhere in the world)
Eligibility: Apart from having Chinese ethnicity, candidates must be aged between 18 and 35 and must be nominated by universities or other educational institutions, organizations and/or corporations.
Selection criteria: Outstanding academic performance, award recipients or exceptionally talented in a non-academic area, consistent record of involvement in community service or an outstanding record in extra-curricular activities.
Closing date for nominations: 7 May 2011
Programme Foci :
ØThe Programme will be held in conjunction with the Dragon Series of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. Our 100 delegates will go to Taiwan for a 6-day tour together with other 400 participants from the Dragon Series programme.
ØAll participants will join part of the "30 Hour Famine" activity organized by World Vision Taiwan and perform in Mega Dragon Dance together.
Ø All delegates will take part in community service at Ma-Jia Farm in Pingtung County, Southern part of Taiwan.
ØDelegates will also visit to major historical and cultural development projects interest; attend seminars and discussions with academics, university students and young professionals.
ØCultural and social activities will also be arranged.
Attached please find a programme Pamphlet ,poster, nomination form and application guidelines for your perusal .
More information regarding the application details will be announced in our website : .
Thanks for your continuous support in our Programme! For any enquiries, please contact Miss Mabel Woo, our Project Manager, at 2811 2779 or email to
Yours sincerely,
The Dragon Foundation
Units 6-7, G/F, The Center
99 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2811-2779
Fax: (852) 2811-2669