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Thursday, March 12, 2015

[beasiswa] [info] PhD position Saint Etienne, Linked data based quiz generation


PhD Scholarship Available in Saint Etienne, France  Linked data based quiz generation      CNRS Hubert Curien Laboratory, Connected Intelligence theme.  under the supervision of Pr Frederique Laforest & Dr Julien Subercaze      The aim of this Ph.D thesis is to investigate the automated generation of quiz. Quiz will be generated on various corpora, including educational material, publicly available dataset (Wikipedia, Freebase among others), but also structured data from the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud. This domain is of the utmost practical interest in the frame of Massive Open Online Courses where student are the primary actors of their own education.      The scientific challenges of this thesis include the following:  * Corpus Analysis/Processing: Knowledge representation of heterogeneous information embedded within the aforementioned corpora  * Knowledge extraction: design of algorithm to devise and organize the concepts covered by the corpora with respect to the educational objectives of the learner  * Question and answers generation in natural language  * Online adaptation to the learner profile      This PhD takes place in the ITEA3 MOOCTAB project, started jan 2015. The objective of MOOCTAB is to enhance the penetration of MOOCs in regions where the Internet is not reliable enough to allow full access to classical MOOCs. Dedicated set-top boxes will be designed and prototyped to embed MOOC platforms, at the hardware and software level. Telecom Saint Etienne mainly is in charge of the embedded cloud architecture, the adapted MOOC software prototyping, the management of learners communities and content adaptation to learners.      The Connected Intelligence theme of Laboratoire Hubert Curien CNRS UMR5516 (http://laboratoirehubertcurien.fr) is a new team working on knowledge representation and reasoning, multi agent systems and services, virtual communities and social networks. It will soon provide a web site presenting its activities and members. Frederique Laforest and Julien Subercaze were formerly members of the Satin team (http://satin-ppl.telecom-st-etienne.fr/).      Saint Etienne is located about 2 hours from the mediterranean sea and 2 hours from Alps slopes. Lyon city is at 50 km. Saint Etienne has about 180.000 inhabitants including more than 20.000 students. Surrounded by hills where hiking and mountain biking are significant, Saint Etienne is also member of the Unesco Creative Cities Network for design.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-ftienne      Monthly gross salary is 1685Û, the position is for 3 years.      Interested candidates should apply by sending email with subject ÔMooctab phd applicationÕ to : frederique.laforest@telecom-st-etienne.fr AND julien.subercaze@telecom-st-etienne.fr with a Curriculum Vitae, Êgrades reports of the two last years of studies and at least two reference persons. PDF format is strongly encouraged.          _______________________________________________  


Posted by: Tri Kurniawan Wijaya <trikurniawanwijaya@yahoo.com>
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