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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

[beasiswa] (Info) English, German, Phonology, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Stuttgart, Germany


Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 17:24:47
From: Sabine Zerbian [sabine.zerbian@ifla.uni-stuttgart.de]
Subject: English, German, Phonology, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Institution/Organization: University of Stuttgart
Department: Institute of Linguistics: English
Web Address: http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/linguistik/sfb732/

Level: PhD

Duties: Research,Project Work

Specialty Areas: Phonology; Psycholinguistics

Required Language(s): English (eng)
German (deu)


The Collaborative Research Centre at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, is seeking a Phonology student for the position of a part-time researcher to work on "Cross-linguistic interactions in Second Language Prosody". The project is part of the Collaborative Research Centre 732 "Incremental Specification in Context", located at the University of Stuttgart. The Principal Investigator of this DFG-funded project is Prof. Sabine Zerbian. The position is for 4 years, starting July 1, 2014, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The ideal candidate must have:
- Master's degree (or equivalent) in Linguistics with a specialization in Phonetics/Phonology and a
strong interest in research;
- background in English and/or German intonation and in experimental methods in linguistic research
is a prerequisite;
- knowledge of theories of second language acquisition is desirable.

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who can work independently, but will also enjoy being part of a team. The candidate should have good time management, organisational and communication skills, be proficient in English, and be committed to contributing to the goals of the overall project.

Duties and Responsibilities:
- The work requires data collection from German learners of English as well as research travels for data
- Candidates are expected to pursue a doctoral degree at the University of Stuttgart within the Integrated Graduate School of the research centre.
The topic of the thesis should be related to the project's overall topic. Applicants interested in pursuing a PhD within the frame of the projects' research questions are therefore encouraged to apply.

Information on the project is available at the following website:

The salary and social benefits are determined by the German pay scale for state employees (wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, 65% TV-L 13).
The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunity employer.

How to apply:
Interested candidates are invited to send their applications by email to
Prof. Sabine Zerbian at sabine.zerbian@ifla.uni-stuttgart.de
All application must include:
- a CV, an informative letter of motivation;
- a copy of the MA degree;
- the names and contact details of two references;
- (links to) a sample of written work (advanced term paper or MA thesis).

Application Deadline: 15-Jun-2014

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof. Sabine Zerbian
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Linguistics: English
Keplerstr. 17
Stuttgart 70174

Contact Information:
Prof. Sabine Zerbian

Pangesti Wiedarti, M.Appl.Ling., Ph.D
Jurdik Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Allah mencintai umat-Nya yg mendarmabaktikan hidup dan matinya untuk ilmu yg bermanfaat bagi banyak orang


Posted by: "Pangesti Wiedarti" <pangesti@uny.ac.id>
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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] (Info) English, German, Phonology, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Stuttgart, Germany   Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 17:24:47 From: Sabine Zerbian [sabine.zerbian@ifla.uni-stuttgart.de] ...
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