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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

[beasiswa] [info] PhD position University Oldenburg


Date:   Fri, 20 Sep 2013 17:31:39 +0000
From:   Maarten De Vos

Dear all,

Please find enclosed the description of a
 PhD position on "Online Sound Control of Hearing Instruments based on
Multimodal User in the Loop Feedback" at the University of Oldenburg,

Best regards,
Maarten De Vos

Prof. Dr. Ir. Maarten De Vos
Neuropsychologie lab,
Institut für  Psychologie
26111 Oldenburg, Germany
tel: (+49) 441 798 2940
maarten.de.vos@uni-oldenburg.de <mailto:maarten.de.vos@uni-oldenburg.de>


Online Sound Control of Hearing Instruments based on Multimodal 
User in the Loop Feedback

Hearing instruments like hearing aids, cochlear implants but also audio devices are 
typically adjusted for optimal sound perception adjusted to the listening condition.
Only limited and/or inconvenient control is given in the listening condition itself. This 
PhD project focuses on new multimodal user interaction strategies to control hearing 
instruments as well as audio devices. Preferably, the strategies investigated will
unobtrusively put the user in the control loop. Brain computer interfaces are one 
option to do so.

The project is contractually linked to the University of Oldenburg and will be carried 
out at the Fraunhofer research group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology 
(www.idmt.fraunhofer.de/en/hsa) which offers an attractive scientific and application 
oriented environment in an international team of scientists and access to state-of-theart acoustical equipment and labs.

Duties of the candidate:
• To use, develop and investigate multimodal intended (e.g., gestures) 
and unintended (e.g., BCI) human machine interaction strategies to 
control sound of hearing instruments and audio devices
• To design, carry out, and analyse subjective listening tests with normalhearing and hearing impaired test subjects
• To prepare scientific manuscripts

Desired experience of the candidate:
• Master degree (or equivalent) in psychology, physics, electrical 
engineering or a related field
• Excellent grades and preferably a solid background in psychoacoustics, 
audiology, human machine interaction and/or signal processing are 
• Familiarity with scientific tools and programming languages such as 
MATLAB or C, as well as good English language skills are desirable. 
• Research experience in any of the mentioned fields and a strong 
interest in interdisciplinary and application-oriented work is desirable.

Applications must include a letter of motivation directly related to this PhD topic, CV, 
a copy of the university diplomas/transcripts and – if applicable – a list of publications 
at the address below. Position can be started immediately.

Addresses for correspondence:
Prof. Dr. Ir. Maarten De Vos 
Department for Psychology 
26111 Oldenburg

Dr. Jens-E. Appell
Fraunhofer IDMT - Hearing, 
Speech and Audio Technology 
Marie-Curie-Strasse 2, 26129 Oldenburg


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Program ini masuk dalam Signal & Cognition, nomor 1 (SigCog 01).
Ada 16 topik dalam seluruh program:



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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [info] PhD position University Oldenburg   Date:   Fri, 20 Sep 2013 17:31:39 +0000 From:   Maarten De Vos Dear all, Pleas...
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