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Tentang departemen ilmu lingkungan di Univ ini:
The Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau invites applications for a fully funded PhD position in the project "Development of an autonomous tracking system for river flow analyses". The PhD project aims at developing a new tool for the quantitative characterization of river flow and dispersion processes using passive floats equipped with miniaturized sensors for motion tracking. Besides implementation of the new instrument using commercially available sensor packages, the study involves test and performance measurements under laboratory and field conditions as well as the development of analysis procedures.
Your profile: You are interested in working at the interface between environmental fluid mechanics and electronics technology. Successful applicant must hold a university degree (Diploma or Master) in a related discipline (e.g., physics, engineering or environmental sciences) with training in hydromechanics.
We offer: You join the environmental physics group, an international team of young scientists working on various aspects of environmental fluid dynamics (www.uphysik.uni-landau.de). The particular project offers unique opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation within the group as well as with other research groups at the Institute for Environmental Sciences Landau and our international collaborators.
Applications should include a letter of motivation and a complete curriculum vitae. Please send your application before 30 September 2013 to: Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Fortstraße 7, D-76829 Landau, Germany. Applications and detailed inquiries can also be sent by e-mail (lorke@uni-landau.de).
Funding Notes:
The part-time (75%) position is available for 3 years and salary is according to pay scale EGr. 13 TV-L (75%).