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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

[beasiswa] [info] University of Manchester - PhD studentship in climate change research


4-Year PhD Scholarship
The University of Manchester -School of Environment and Development

Fully funded by the Leverhulme Trust Starting September 2012: Climate
change futures: how is the value of certified emissions reductions
(CERs) created?

We invite applications for a PhD studentship in the newly formed
Leverhulme Centre for the Study of Value with Professors Sarah
Bracking and Philip Woodhouse.

The studentship will be available from September 2012 for four years
and will cover tuition fees and a stipend to the value of over
£54,000, payable subject to eligibility criteria.

These studentships form part of a programme of work titled "Human,
non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier?"
Globally, new markets and commodities are being created in a number of
key policy arenas that are putting prices, and thereby imputing a
particular value, to a number of previously un-priced (but not
necessarily unvalued) things: carbon, ecosystem services, commonly
held land, biodiversity, water and even human lives. This research
will explore how valuation technologies are designed in order to
understand the deficiencies and possibilities of value in political,
social and environmental terms. Its ultimate purpose is to suggest
better ways of doing value calculations that will improve the quality
of our economic and environmental future.

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was established at the United Nations
Climate Change Conference in Durban in 2011, with the World Bank named
as an interim Executive in order to provide finance for climate change
mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. Its institutional
and operating practices are in the process of establishment. It will
be central to the effort to create a better climate future, and yet
the calculative practices of how different types of emission reduction
projects are valued are not well understood, even within the national
institutions which accredit successful projects with tradable
certified emissions reductions (CERs). The extension of carbon markets
through the GCF will aggravate this pre-existing problem of valuation.
This project will examine the emerging functionality of the GCF
globally through South African case studies, with fieldwork to be
conducted in South Africa.

Applications are invited from those with both 'home' (UK/EU) tuition
fee status and 'overseas' fee status. For guidance, please follow this
link on how to determine tuition fee status. We must caution that the
value of the maintenance component will be less for overseas students
than for home students, due to a higher fee level, and a fixed package
overall. To discuss the financial terms of the award, contact

Applications should be made through our online application procedure
by Friday 24th August 2012, specifying "Climate change futures" as the
subject of study. You are NOT required to submit a research proposal.

In section 6 of the online application form, under 'research title'
please insert 'Climate change futures'. This will help us filter

Any enquiries relating specifically to the submission of applications
should be directed to: Laura.Dobson@manchester.ac.uk

Students will be informed of the outcome of the selection process by
7th September 2012.

If you have not been contacted by the 14th September please assume
that you have been unsuccessful. We expect that your studentship will
begin on 17th September, although some flexibility may be possible. We
would like to apologize in advance for the tight deadlines which

For further information on the overall programme please see the apply
online link below.

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