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Monday, January 31, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] Peluang Pasca Sarjana di University Pertahanan nasional Malaysia


Silahkan bagi yang berminat untuk riset dibidang militer. Semoga bermanfaat

Teguh Hady Ariwibowo

CFD Engineer


Intake 2011

Graduate Research Assistant for Master/PhD Program in Mechanical/Civil Engineering or Defence Technology. The research projects involved are:

  • Reasses:sment of the Blunt Trauma Limit for Soft Body Armor Testing According to Malaysian Anthropometrics.
  • A Study of Blast Wave Propagation from Free Field and Underground High Explosive Detonation .
  • Influence of Fracture Toughness on the Impact Resistance of Carbon Nanotubes/Fiber Reinforced Composites.
  • Thermoset Laminate Hybrid Composite for Impact Resistance Hard Panel Product.


  • Candidate must possess a Bachelor degree in Mech/Material/Civil Eng or Applied Physics (minimum CGPA 2.75).
  • Good proficiency in CFD/FEA/Multiphysics/Numerical Prgramming and Modeling is an advantages.
  • Partial M.Sc tuition fee.
  • Montly Allowance: Minimum of RM 1200 (negotiable)
  • Candidate may also apply the MyBrain15 financial incentives available from the Ministry of Higher Education. Please refer to the link for further details:


    Please email your CV to risby@upnm.edu.my or bajukebal@gmail.com for further consideration.

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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   Silahkan bagi yang berminat untuk riset dibidang militer. Semoga bermanfaat Teguh Hady Ariwibowo CFD En...

[beasiswa] (butuh bantun) Part Time Local Staff-Singapore bagi mhs Ind yg kuliah di SPore


Olive Panjaitan <olivepan84@yahoo.com> Jan 30 06:11PM -0800 ^

Salam dari Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia Jakarta.

Perkenalkan saya Dr. Friska Parulian, ERIA researcher Dan Project
Coordinator ERIA Research Project on "Fiscal Issues in East Asia". ERIA adalah sebuah organisasi internasional baru yang mengsuport ASEAN secretariat dan East Asia Summit forum. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan mengunjungi website
Sehubungan dengan proyek yang saya koordinir, ERIA berencana akan mengadakan Seminar 2 Hari di Mandarin Orchard Hotel pada tanggal: 11-12 February 2011.
Untuk mendukung seminar ini, saya ingin meminta bantuan PERPIKA untuk Memperkenalkan atau menyebarkan informasi ini kepada mahasiswa Indonesia yg mungkin berminat untuk membantu sebagai Part Time - Local Staff selama seminar Berlangsung.
Adapun job descriptionnya adalah:
1) Membantu membuat notulen rapat (dalam bahasa Inggris) selama seminar. Bahasa Pengantar yg digunakan dalam seminar adalah English.
2) Administrasi job seperti foto copy -printing document
3) Supporting job selama presentasi oleh para peserta.
Local assistant diharapkan untuk membawa laptopnya masing-masing guna keperluan membuat notulen rapat selama seminar.
Untuk jasa ini kami akan menyediakan honorarium sebesar US$ 150/orang/Hari,
Total 2 Hari US$300/orang.
Tidak Ada kualifikasi khusus yang dibutuhkan, kecuali kemampuan membuat notulen dalam bahasa Inggris dan penguasaan basic Microsoft Word and Power Point.
Mohon kami dibantu direkomendasikan untuk perihal di atas Dan bilamana ada rekan-rekan yang berminat mohon mengirimkan short CV kepada kami.
Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya Dan sangat ditunggu respons dari Sdr./Sdri.
Friska Parulian PhD

FREE Animations for your email - by IncrediMail! Click Here!

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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   Olive Panjaitan < olivepan84@yahoo.com > Jan 30 06:11PM -0800 ^   Salam dari Economic Res...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Re: [beasiswa] Re: [butuh info] Scholaship Online (SOL) di NFP rusak?


Satu lagi, link ini: https://sol2web.nuffic.nl/SOL20Student/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/SOL20Student/Default.aspx

lebih pas untuk pendaftar PhD yang sudah mendaftar sebelumnya, save profile, tapi error dalam pengisian halaman berikutnya.

kalau belum registrasi sama sekali atau belum save profile, anda harus lewat link ini:

nanti sesudah registrasi, username dan password akan dikirimkan ke email, jadi login menggunakan user dan password yang ada di email.

kalau anda sudah save profile tapi belum save dokumen-dokumen yang di-upload, maka link anda adalah link login yang bisa untuk semua aplikasi, baik PhD, Master, maupun Shortcourses:


semoga berhasil.


2011/1/30 Alfi Yasmina <seribumelati@gmail.com>
Halo Mbak Kuntarini,
anda mendaftar untuk PhD, master, atau apa? saya mengakses masih bisa ini.

di tengah-tengah mendaftarkan scholarship bisa kok di-save. asal bikin profilenya selesai. Dari sini kan ada tombol save. sesudah tombol save kan akan muncul halaman untuk memasukkan nama uni yang kita inginkan untuk mendaftar. halaman ini harus selesai diisi dan diupload dokumen-dokumennya, kalau tidak akan muncul pesan "error". tapi tidak perlu kuatir, kalau muncul pesan error, anda tinggal login ulang lagi dari halaman di atas (jangan registrasi ulang), kemudian akan masuk ke halaman yang bertuliskan bahwa anda belum punya aplikasi. Klik Edit profile di kiri, anda akan masuk profile lagi, save aja bagian itu, maka halaman pengisian nama universitas dan upload dokumen sudah bisa anda akses lagi.
sebelum mendaftar ini, kalau untuk PhD, disiapkan terlebih dahulu file .jpg atau .pdf untuk Employer's statement, Co-supervisor reference, Kopi identitas/paspor, Motivation letter, Pernyataan tentang Relevance for your Organization, Pernyataan tentang Relevance for Your Country, dan Plan of Action after Return. 

setahu saya, Scholarship Online akan ditutup 1 Februari jam 00.00 CET, jadi masih sempat kok hari ini. ayo coba lagi!


2011/1/29 Kuntarini <kuntarini_rahsilawati@yahoo.com>


Dear All,

Berhubung SOL tidak bisa di save, maka saya cuma punya hari Minggu utk bisa log in tanpa terputus. Saya pun mencoba mendaftar SOL dengan membuat account baru (untuk yg ketiga/keempat kali) hari Minggu tgl 30 Jan 2011, 06.00 AM CET. Deadline tgl 31 Jan 2011, 12.00PM CET, jadi masih ada satu setengah hari sebelum deadline.

Yang mengejutkan, ternyata page aplikasi sudah tidak bisa diakses. Jika demikian, maka sia2 sudah yg saya persiapkan 2 th ini, krn ini tahun terakhir submission letter berlaku di universitas yg saya tuju. Saya pun mengajukan complain letter ke NUFFIC Belanda, tp di web nya tertulis hanya email sebelum tgl 28 Jan 2011 yg akan dijawab. Padahal email2 yg dulu2 di kirim awal-mid Januari pun tdk pernah dijawab.

Di email tsb saya jg minta aplikasi NFP diperpanjang krn technical problem yg ditemui teman2 semua, (tdk bisa save, tdk bs log in, dlsb) semoga diterima. Mohon teman2 yang merasa kesulitan juga mengajukan complain letter yg sama supaya aplikasi NFP diperpanjang.

Terima kasih sebelumnya


--- In beasiswa@yahoogroups.com, Dwi Rahardiani <dwi.rahardiani@...> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Saya masih kesulitan mengakses website SOL untuk mendaftar NFP. Setiap saya
> mencoba menyimpan data (klik 'save' maupun 'save and back to application')
> selalu keluar pesan:
> Unexpected errorDescriptionAn unexpected error has occured. The error

> details have been logged. If the error persists please contact the site
> administrator.
> Apakah teman-teman ada yang sudah berhasil mengisi? Mohon petunjuknya ya.
> Saya sudah coba dengan beberapa browser dan komputer hasilnya selalu sama.
> Terimakasih banyak sebelumnya.
> Salam,
> Dwi
> --
> Dwi Rahardiani
> http://increduyble.wordpress.com

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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   Satu lagi, link ini:  https://sol2web.nuffic.nl/SOL20Student/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/SOL20Student/Default....

Re: [beasiswa] Re: [butuh info] Scholaship Online (SOL) di NFP rusak?


Halo Mbak Kuntarini,

anda mendaftar untuk PhD, master, atau apa? saya mengakses masih bisa ini.

di tengah-tengah mendaftarkan scholarship bisa kok di-save. asal bikin profilenya selesai. Dari sini kan ada tombol save. sesudah tombol save kan akan muncul halaman untuk memasukkan nama uni yang kita inginkan untuk mendaftar. halaman ini harus selesai diisi dan diupload dokumen-dokumennya, kalau tidak akan muncul pesan "error". tapi tidak perlu kuatir, kalau muncul pesan error, anda tinggal login ulang lagi dari halaman di atas (jangan registrasi ulang), kemudian akan masuk ke halaman yang bertuliskan bahwa anda belum punya aplikasi. Klik Edit profile di kiri, anda akan masuk profile lagi, save aja bagian itu, maka halaman pengisian nama universitas dan upload dokumen sudah bisa anda akses lagi.
sebelum mendaftar ini, kalau untuk PhD, disiapkan terlebih dahulu file .jpg atau .pdf untuk Employer's statement, Co-supervisor reference, Kopi identitas/paspor, Motivation letter, Pernyataan tentang Relevance for your Organization, Pernyataan tentang Relevance for Your Country, dan Plan of Action after Return. 

setahu saya, Scholarship Online akan ditutup 1 Februari jam 00.00 CET, jadi masih sempat kok hari ini. ayo coba lagi!


2011/1/29 Kuntarini <kuntarini_rahsilawati@yahoo.com>

Dear All,

Berhubung SOL tidak bisa di save, maka saya cuma punya hari Minggu utk bisa log in tanpa terputus. Saya pun mencoba mendaftar SOL dengan membuat account baru (untuk yg ketiga/keempat kali) hari Minggu tgl 30 Jan 2011, 06.00 AM CET. Deadline tgl 31 Jan 2011, 12.00PM CET, jadi masih ada satu setengah hari sebelum deadline.

Yang mengejutkan, ternyata page aplikasi sudah tidak bisa diakses. Jika demikian, maka sia2 sudah yg saya persiapkan 2 th ini, krn ini tahun terakhir submission letter berlaku di universitas yg saya tuju. Saya pun mengajukan complain letter ke NUFFIC Belanda, tp di web nya tertulis hanya email sebelum tgl 28 Jan 2011 yg akan dijawab. Padahal email2 yg dulu2 di kirim awal-mid Januari pun tdk pernah dijawab.

Di email tsb saya jg minta aplikasi NFP diperpanjang krn technical problem yg ditemui teman2 semua, (tdk bisa save, tdk bs log in, dlsb) semoga diterima. Mohon teman2 yang merasa kesulitan juga mengajukan complain letter yg sama supaya aplikasi NFP diperpanjang.

Terima kasih sebelumnya


--- In beasiswa@yahoogroups.com, Dwi Rahardiani <dwi.rahardiani@...> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Saya masih kesulitan mengakses website SOL untuk mendaftar NFP. Setiap saya
> mencoba menyimpan data (klik 'save' maupun 'save and back to application')
> selalu keluar pesan:
> Unexpected errorDescriptionAn unexpected error has occured. The error

> details have been logged. If the error persists please contact the site
> administrator.
> Apakah teman-teman ada yang sudah berhasil mengisi? Mohon petunjuknya ya.
> Saya sudah coba dengan beberapa browser dan komputer hasilnya selalu sama.
> Terimakasih banyak sebelumnya.
> Salam,
> Dwi
> --
> Dwi Rahardiani
> http://increduyble.wordpress.com

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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   Halo Mbak Kuntarini, anda mendaftar untuk PhD, master, atau apa? saya mengakses masih bisa ini. Kalau Ph...

[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD and Postdoc Positions, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal


PhD and Postdoc Positions

Instituto Superior Técnico

Lisbon, Portugal

The Multimedia Signal Processing Group at Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, invites applications for PhD and Postdoc positions, with a yearly renewable contract, for a maximum duration of 4 years.

The PhD and Postdoc Research Grants are available in accordance with the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) regulations and payments for advanced training and qualification of human resources, see http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores.

The Multimedia Signal Processing Group develops research in the areas of visual information analysis, modeling, processing, manipulation, representation, adaptation, coding and description for multimedia applications.

The current PhD and Postdoc grants are available for the following technical areas:

* Advanced video coding
* 3D video coding and processing, 3D holoscopic video
* Automatic metadata creation, mobile visual search
* Quality of experience, video quality and video segmentation quality
* Secure biometrics recognition

The candidates shall fulfill the following conditions:

* Strong motivation for research work
* Background on the relevant technical areas
* Strong publication record on the relevant technical areas (especially for Postdoc applications)
* Fluent in English and with good skills in technical writing and presenting
* Good programming skills

The applicants will be supervised by one or more of the following Professors: Fernando Pereira, Paulo Correia, Luis Ducla Soares, Paulo Nunes and João Ascenso (see http://www.img.lx.it.pt/Staff.html for details).

Please send your application by email to fp@lx.it.pt, including:

1. Detailed curriculum vitae;
2. Motivation letter;
3. Recommendation letter(s).

Selected candidates will be interviewed.

Applications shall be received no later than 31st March 2011.

For any clarifications, please contact Prof. Fernando Pereira at fp@lx.it.pt.

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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   PhD and Postdoc Positions Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Portugal The Multimedia Signal Proces...

Re: [beasiswa] [Butuh Info] Terjemahan ijazah dan transkrip nilai SMA dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah ke LUAR ngr


dear gannia,
untuk terjemahan cukup mudah...biasanya yang diminta oleh program beasiswa itu adalah terjemahan tersumpah..yakni terjemahan yg resmi dilakukan oleh lembaga penerjemah dan ada capnya dari lembaga tersebut...di kota tempat kamu tinggal pasti banyak lembaga terjemahan seperti ini..kalau bingung, cukup masukan kata kunci di google " terjemahan tersumpah di kota A misalnya"..biasanya hasil terjemahan bisa diantar lewat kurir atau i scan melalui email..harganya variatif mulai dari 25.000 per halaman...

jadi bukan diterjemahkan sendiri lalu dibubuhi tanda tangan sendiri juga.. :)
semoga membantu

--- On Tue, 1/18/11, Gannia Polchini <ganniapolchini@ymail.com> wrote:

From: Gannia Polchini <ganniapolchini@ymail.com>
Subject: [beasiswa] [Butuh Info] Terjemahan ijazah dan transkrip nilai SMA dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah ke LUAR ngr
To: beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
Cc: beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 9:15 AM


 biasanya kalo  mau coba apply Beasiswa ke luar negeri kita di suruh buat Terjemahan ijazah dan transkrip nilai dalam Bahasa Inggris habis itu disahkan sama NOTARIS. nah abis itu akta juga suruh ditranslate dan disahkan notaris. itu Gimana caranya yh? ada yg tahu ? :(

sya lulusan sma mau coba apply beasiswa untuk s1 keluarnegeri nah salah satu syaratnya kayagitu. itu bikinnya bagaimana dan seperti apa? apa harus tulis tangan sendiri yah di kertas a4 trus translate sendiri dan ditulis biasa aja pake bolpoin. please ya buat kaka alumni yang punya pengalaman kaya beginian dan sudah studi keluar negeri share yaaa coz sy bingung sangat nih habis cari di google juga ga ada contohnya :( mohon bantuanny y 

thanks sebelumnya 

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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   dear gannia, untuk terjemahan cukup mudah...biasanya yang diminta oleh program beasiswa itu adalah terje...

[beasiswa] [INFO] 30 MSc/PhD Scholarships at Zhejiang University, China


Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Study Program

Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Study Program (CGS-UPSP) is established by the Ministry of Education of China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) aiming to offer support in developing international high level universities and promote Chinese higher education brand. Entrusted by MOE, Zhejiang University recruits CGS-UPSP-supported international graduate students supported by CGS-UPSP across the world.

I. Basic Information and Duration of the Scholarships
1. Number of scholarship students to be admitted: 30
2. Coverage of the scholarship:
- Tuition and fees for registration, laboratory experiments, internship, basic learning materials, and intramural accommodation;
- Living allowance: CNY 2,000 per month for doctoral students; CNY 1,700 per month for master's degree students;
- Fees for outpatient medical services and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China;
- A one-off settlement subsidy for new students after registration: CNY 1,500 per person.
Note: For more detailed information, please visit the website of China Scholarship Council: http://www.csc.edu.cn
3. Categories of Applicants and Duration of the Scholarship
Categories of Applicants Duration of the Scholarship
Master's Degree Students: 2-3 academic years
Doctor's Degree Students: 3-4 academic years
Note: In principle, courses will be taught in Chinese. Scholarship students without sufficient Chinese language proficiency are required to take one-year remedial Chinese language courses and pass the relevant test prior to the studies in their specialties. For those who take the one-year remedial Chinese language courses, the duration of the scholarship will be extended correspondingly.

II. When and how to apply
Application deadline: April 10, 2011.
Applicants can submit the application materials (refer section V below ) to Admission Office of the International College, Zhejiang University, by post mail or in personally.The application materials submit by email will not be accepted. Please make sure mailed materials arrive before the deadline.

III. Eligibility Requirements
1. Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals and in good health.
2. Applicants are not currently studying in Chinese universities.
3. Education background and age limit:
- Applicants for master's degree studies must have bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35;
- Applicants for Doctoral studies must have master's degree and be under the age of 40.
4. Applicants should have a competitive academic record.
5. Applicants should have strong scientific research ability.

IV. Choices of Specialties
Zhejiang University offers graduate programs with Chinese or English as media of instruction. For more information of fields of Graduate Studies at Zhejiang University,please check Catalog of Master's Programs for International Students 2011 (Download) and Catalog of Doctoral Programs for International Students 2011 (Download).
Applicants are encouraged to contact their prospective supervisors prior to application and are expected to enclose in their application package with the Form for Provisional Acceptance of International Student by ZJU Professor (Download)).

V. Application Materials
Applicants must provide the following materials (in duplicate):
1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship, filled in Chinese or in English.
Applicants shall fill in and submit the application form online first and then print and sign the Application Form produced by the system. The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on http://laihua.csc.edu.cn; Agency No. of Zhejiang University is 10335.
2. Photocopy of the applicant's passport.
3. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or already employed, they must also provide documents showing their status as university students or on-post employees. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
4. Applicants for doctoral studies need to provide notarized copies of their undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Applicants for master's degree studies need to provide notarized copies of their undergraduate transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
5. A study or research proposal in Chinese or in English (no less than 800 words).
6. Two letters of recommendation from full professors or associate professors. The recommendation letter must be original documents either in Chinese or English and show referee's phone number and email address.
7. Published academic papers or other academic achievements (if applicable).
8. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Download) (printed by Chinese quarantine authority. Applicants are expected to keep the original copies) filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Medical examination results will be valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration as they plan to take the medical examination.

Note: Application materials will NOT be returned regardless of the result of application.

VI. Admission and Notification
1. Zhejiang University will review all the application materials. Decisions for admission and for granting the scholarships will be made on the basis of the applicants' competitiveness, academic record and otherwise.
2. The name list of the scholarship awardees for graduate programs will be sent to China Scholarship Council for review in April, 2011.
3. After the name list is reviewed and approved by China Scholarship Council, the scholarship awardees will be notified by the university in June 2011 and Admission Notice with other relevant documents will be sent to them in July 2011.

VII. Notes
1. Scholarship students' affairs are managed according to the relevant regulations of Chinese Government Scholarship. Scholarship students must go through the Annual Review of the Chinese Government Scholarship Status.
2. Scholarship students are not allowed to change their institutions as well as their academic programs or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice.
3. Scholarship students who have to suspend their studies due to illness must return to their home country for further treatment and recovery. Expenses for the international travel to and from the university will be borne by the students themselves, and their scholarship status will be reserved for one year at most, with the monthly living allowance stopped during the suspension. Scholarships of the students who suspend their studies for reasons other than illness will not be reserved.
4. The International College of Zhejiang University is responsible for the interpretation of the scholarship granting procedures and regulations.

VIII. Contact Information
Admission Office,International College, Zhejiang University:
Tel: +86 571 87953101 / 879532848
Fax: +86 571 87951755
Email: zjuyhh@zju.edu.cn zzlu@zju.edu.cn
Postal Address:
P.O. Box W-99, International College, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang Province, China

Note: The Distinguished International Students Scholarship is set up by the Ministry of Education of China (MOE) to sponsor outstanding international students who have finished their bachelor's education or above in China and have been enrolled by designated Chinese institutions for higher academic pursuits or are now carrying out their Master's or Doctoral studies in those institutions. For application details, please visit the web site of China Scholarship Council (Link).


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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Study Program http://iczu.zju.edu.cn/Eg_index_ne...

[beasiswa] [INFO] Presentasi AMINEF (beasiswa Fulbright) di Bandung


American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)

American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) akan memberikan presentasi mengenai program beasiswa Fulbright, program beasiswa Fulbright-DIKTI, dan program beasiswa khusus lainnya untuk program tahun 2012 kepada para mahasiswa dan lulusan di Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Kamis, 10 Februari 2011
10.00 – 11.00 WIB
Ruang 9311 (Multimedia) Labtek VI Lt. 1
Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung
Mahasiswa dan lulusan yang berminat dapat mendaftarkan diri di:
International Relation Office ITB
Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung
paling lambat tanggal 9 Februari 2011 pukul 15.00 WIB dengan menyertakan
Nama, Nomor Hp dan Program Studi

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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) akan...

[beasiswa] [INFO] Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) di Education and Training Expo 2011


Bapak/Ibu/Rekan Yth

Sawasdee khrab,
Bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok, Thailand akan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan 20th Indonesia Education & Training Expo yang akan berlangsung pada tanggal 3-6 Februari 2011 di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Jakarta. Delegasi AIT yang akan hadir terdiri dari :

1. Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Dean School of Environment, Resources and
2. Dr. Rian Beise-Zee, Associate Professor School of Management
3. Ms. Tripti Rajbhandari, Program Officer School of Engineering and
4. Ms. Kluaymai Thongkham, Program Officer School of Environment,
Resources and Development
5. Ms. Jaramporn Hanpol, Program Officer School of Management
6. Ms. Carol Cabildo Guzman, Assistant Program Officer
External Relations and Communications Office

Sebuah kesempatan untuk Bapak/Ibu/Rekan sekalian yang saat ini sedang mencari beasiswa dan sekolah untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang Master dan Doktoral. Datang dan bertemu langsung dengan perwakilan AIT Bangkok.

Khon Khun Khrab, Sawasdee Khrab

Hormat saya,

Wijayanto S.Pi, M.Sc
AIT Alumni Indonesia

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5 Forum Beasiswa: January 2011   Bapak/Ibu/Rekan Yth Sawasdee khrab, Bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa Asian Institute of Technology...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

[beasiswa] Re: [butuh info] Scholaship Online (SOL) di NFP rusak?


Dear All,

Berhubung SOL tidak bisa di save, maka saya cuma punya hari Minggu utk bisa log in tanpa terputus. Saya pun mencoba mendaftar SOL dengan membuat account baru (untuk yg ketiga/keempat kali) hari Minggu tgl 30 Jan 2011, 06.00 AM CET. Deadline tgl 31 Jan 2011, 12.00PM CET, jadi masih ada satu setengah hari sebelum deadline.

Yang mengejutkan, ternyata page aplikasi sudah tidak bisa diakses. Jika demikian, maka sia2 sudah yg saya persiapkan 2 th ini, krn ini tahun terakhir submission letter berlaku di universitas yg saya tuju. Saya pun mengajukan complain letter ke NUFFIC Belanda, tp di web nya tertulis hanya email sebelum tgl 28 Jan 2011 yg akan dijawab. Padahal email2 yg dulu2 di kirim awal-mid Januari pun tdk pernah dijawab.

Di email tsb saya jg minta aplikasi NFP diperpanjang krn technical problem yg ditemui teman2 semua, (tdk bisa save, tdk bs log in, dlsb) semoga diterima. Mohon teman2 yang merasa kesulitan juga mengajukan complain letter yg sama supaya aplikasi NFP diperpanjang.

Terima kasih sebelumnya


--- In beasiswa@yahoogroups.com, Dwi Rahardiani <dwi.rahardiani@...> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Saya masih kesulitan mengakses website SOL untuk mendaftar NFP. Setiap saya
> mencoba menyimpan data (klik 'save' maupun 'save and back to application')
> selalu keluar pesan:
> Unexpected errorDescriptionAn unexpected error has occured. The error
> details have been logged. If the error persists please contact the site
> administrator.
> Apakah teman-teman ada yang sudah berhasil mengisi? Mohon petunjuknya ya.
> Saya sudah coba dengan beberapa browser dan komputer hasilnya selalu sama.
> Terimakasih banyak sebelumnya.
> Salam,
> Dwi
> --
> Dwi Rahardiani
> http://increduyble.wordpress.com

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Friday, January 28, 2011

[beasiswa] Indonesian Arts And Culture Scholarship Programme


2011 Indonesian Arts And Culture Scholarship Programme

Short Term Programme

The Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship

25 April – 29 July 2011

The Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship has been conducted since 2003 and was initially offered to and participated by member countries of the South West Pacific Dialogue (SwPD); Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, and the host Indonesia.

Bearing in mind the significance and advantages obtained from the program, the offer was expanded over the years to include member countries of ASEAN, ASEAN+3, and PIF, as well as India and South Africa. In 2008, Indonesia welcomed the participation of Azerbaijan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Since 2009, Austria has joined the program and in 2010 the Government of Indonesia has given the opportunity for participants from France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and Suriname. This year, Indonesia will invite participant from Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Turkey to join the program.

Due to the limited space and the vast amount of interest in the program, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Indonesian embassies and consulates overseas, hold a series of selection process. Taken into considerations are, among others, the participants' background, gender and regional representation.

In order to deepen the participants' understanding of Indonesian arts and culture, and to enhance their skills for the final performance, participants will be divided and assigned by the organising committee to different arts centers for the duration of approximately two and a half month. The arts centers are located in Bandung, West Java; Denpasar, Bali; Solo, Central Java; Surabaya, East Java; and Bandar Lampung, Lampung.

Participants will live within or around the arts centers, allowing for the chance to experience the local heritage and interact with the local community. Synergy between theory and practices shared inside and outside the art centers would undoubtedly become the driving force for shaping international cultures and norms, and will eventually strengthen regional as well as global understanding and cooperation at a people-to-people level.


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