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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] PhD researcher: new sampling tools in postmortem redistribution studies


Utrecht University, The Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) - PhD researcher: new sampling tools in postmortem redistribution studies (1,0 fte)

PhD researcher: new sampling tools in postmortem redistribution studies (1,0 fte)

Job description

Essential in forensic toxicology is the detection and evaluation of postmortem drug concentrations in order to determine the cause of death or contribution to the cause of death in autopsy cases. However, postmortem drug concentrations do not necessarily reflect concentrations at the time of death and may vary according to the drug involved, the sampling site and the time interval between death and sample collection. As a consequence, postmortem drug concentrations are often difficult to interpret. In order to be able to interpret the toxicological analyses, it is essential to compare the results from different sampling sites and investigate the factors influencing these postmortem drug concentrations. For postmortem toxicological analysis, the amount of biological sample is often limited and, more importantly, it is not possible to perform repeated sampling after death without disturbance of the biological system. Therefore, new passive sampling devices will be developed and validated as a new sampling technique to study postmortem kinetics and to estimate concentrations at time of death. 

In this joint PhD project between the department of Forensic Medicine of the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) and the Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), we will explore the applicability of new passive sampling techniques in postmortem drug analyses. The results of this work will provide more insight into the process of redistribution and the changes in drug concentrations occurring after death. This knowledge is needed to extrapolate postmortem drug concentrations in blood and tissues to drug concentrations at the time of death.

Your activities will include testing and selection of appropriate drugs, sampling devices and biological matrices and matrix variables will be studied in vitro. Next, you will use the results from the in vitro tests to perform ex vivo experiments to study the effects of postmortem factors. You will publish your findings as papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. These papers form the basis of the PhD thesis. 

You will work in a multidisciplinary research team with toxicologists and chemists.



We are looking for an enthusiastic and energetic graduate (MSc) with a background in the field of pharmacy, chemistry, biomedical sciences or equivalent. The candidate should have strong organisational, communication and writing skills (in Dutch and English). You are creative, result-driven and able to take initiative. We are looking for a team player who is also able to work independently. Experience in the field of bio-analysis will be an advantage. 

Only candidates from the European Union and North America are eligible for this position.

Conditions of employment

The IRAS can offer you a temporary full-time appointment of one year with the perspective of prolongation with another 3 years. The gross salary starts with € 2.042.- per month in the first year and increases to € 2.612.- per month in the fourth year of employment (salary scale P Collective Labour Agreement of the Dutch Universities).

Secondary benefits based on the Collective Labour Agreement  of the Dutch Universities are excellent in general and include e.g a pension scheme, flexible employment conditions and salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year end bonus of 8,3% per year. Travel costs for international conferences and working meetings are also included. 

As a partner in the Postgraduate Education in Toxicology (PET) programme, IRAS offers the opportunity to follow courses in this programme with the aim of obtaining the possibility to register as a toxicologist. The PhD candidate will be working both at IRAS in Utrecht and the Netherlands Forensic Institute in the Hague.


Utrecht University, The Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)

The Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) of Utrecht University is an interfaculty research institute within the faculties of Veterinary Medicine, Medicine and Sciences. Research is carried out in a joint project with the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). The mission of IRAS is to provide education and research on the human health risks of exposure to potentially harmful agents in the environment, at the workplace and through the food chain.

In this joint PhD project the department of Forensic Medicine of the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) and the Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) will work closely together. 

The Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) is part of the Ministry of Security and Justice and uses state-of-the-art technology and sciences to provide high-quality forensic sciences. NFI professionals concentrate on the prompt provision of comprehensible, objective and –if necessary- multidisciplinary forensic analysis, with over 30 forensic disciplines including DNA, pathology and toxicology but also digital technology and weapons.

Additional information

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from the project leaders: 

Dr. Joop Hermens (IRAS) tel. +31-302535337, e-mail: J.Hermens@uu.nl

Dr. Ingrid Bosman (NFI) tel. +31-70-8886601, e-mail: I.Bosman@nfi.minjus.nl

Please do not send your application to this address.

Please also visit the website of IRAS.

More information about employer Utrecht University

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [info] PhD researcher: new sampling tools in postmortem redistribution studies   Utrecht University, The Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) - PhD researcher: ne...
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