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Sunday, April 24, 2011

[beasiswa] [INFO] Open PhD position in plant systematics/ evolution at Institute of Botany Univ Regensburg Germany


Open PhD position in plant systematics/ evolution at Institute of Botany Univ Regensburg Germany

A 3-years Ph.D. position is presently available in the area of plant systematics and evolution at the Institute of Botany of the University of Regensburg, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler  and in co-operation with Dr. Robert Vogt (Botanic Garden & Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem). The salary will be according the TV-L E13/2. The Ph.D. project will focus on the evolution of polyploidy in the genus Leucanthemum (Compositae, Anthemideae) and will use this genus of around 40 species distributed in southern and central Europe as a model to investigate the genetic, genomic, biogeographical and ecological consequences of polyploidy. Work packages envisaged will comprise (a) expression studies of genes in diploid and polyploid members, (b) the phylogeography of species and species groups of this genus, and (c) the taxonomical treatment of the genus in S France and Italy based on morphological, cytological, and molecular evidence. The project will complement a presently ongoing Ph.D. project dealing with the phylogeny of the genus throughout its whole geographical range. The project will include travelling throughout S Europe to collect plant material in natural populations.

Deadline for application: May 15, 2011. If needed, the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

Starting date: July 1, 2011

Requirements: Applicants are expected to have their Masters/Diploma degree by the start of the Ph.D. project. Good knowledge of English and German are highly desirable. The ideal candidate will have documented experience in one or more of the following areas: molecular biology, expression techniques, phylogeny reconstruction, population genetics, and botanical field work (including the possession of a driver´s licence). The selected candidate will be a member of the Regensburg International Graduate School of Biological Sciences (RIGeL; http://www.biologie.uni-regensburg.de/RIGeL/index.html).

How to apply: Please send you application including (a) an application letter addressing your motives for application and your career goals, (b) a detailed CV including a detailed list of molecular, analytical, linguistic, and field work skills, presentations at scientific meetings, and publications (if applicable), and (c) addresses of two academic advisors who could comment on your skills, your dedication to science, and your ability to work cooperatively in a team. Please, send applications by email to:

Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler
Institut für Botanik
Universität Regensburg
Universitätsstr. 31
D-93053 Regensburg
phone +49-(0)941-9433129
fax +49-(0)941-9433106

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [INFO] Open PhD position in plant systematics/ evolution at Institute of Botany Univ Regensburg Germany   Open PhD position in plant systematics/ evolution at Institute of Botany Univ Regensburg Germany A 3-yea...
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