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Thursday, April 3, 2014

[beasiswa] [INFO]PhD Position in Affective Computing, University of Geneva, Switzerland


Position opened: PhD position in affective computing, Computer Science Department, University of Geneva, grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Laboratories involved:
- Computer Vision and Multimedia Laboratory (http://cvml.unige.ch);
- French Literature Department (http://www.unige.ch/lettres/framo/index.html);
- Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (http://www.affective-sciences.org/);
Goal: to investigate how viewers react to those sequences in a movie that film critics and filmmakers consider as being emotionally relevant and therefore interesting in terms of aesthetic achievements.
Methods: multimedia processing, signal processing (experience in the analysis of physiological/behavioral signals and computer vision is particularly appreciated), statistical pattern recognition.
Profile: Master's degree in Computer Science, or electrical/computer engineering, or closely related field. Very strong background in signal/image/video processing and pattern recognition. Very good programming skills, taste and capacity to put new ideas into working prototypes. Very good written and oral communication skills in English.
Since this project will be conducted in very close cooperation with the Film Section at the Department of French Literature in the Faculty of the Humanities, a real plus in your application would be strong interest and achievements in film studies, or arts and humanities at large.
Although the working language is English, Geneva is a French-speaking place and experiments will be carried out with both French- and English-speaking participants; knowledge of French will be useful.
Starting date: as soon as possible.
Application: please include the following:
(1) a cover letter indicating motivation, research interests and expressing your interest in this particular, interdisciplinary area of research;
(2) a detailed curriculum vitae. Please, include, if available, list of publications (published or submitted);
(3) two letters of reference (the applicant should understand that the referees might be contacted).
Please collate all your files into one pdf and send your application by email to: Dr. Theodoros Kostoulas, Computer Vision & Multimedia Laboratory, Theodoros.Kostoulas@unige.ch.
Deadline for application: May 20th, 2014
Computer Vision and Multimedia Laboratory
Computer Science Department, University of Geneva, Battelle campus,
7, route de Drize, CH-1227 Carouge (Geneva), Switzerland

Ernestasia Siahaan
(mailto : ernestasia.s@gmail.com)
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) 
TU Delft - The Netherlands
"Life begins when you stop living for yourself"

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