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Friday, September 20, 2013

[beasiswa] [info] PhD Teaching Studentship in Mathematical Finance - University of York


PhD Teaching Studentship in Mathematical Finance

University of York -Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at the University of York is inviting applications for a PhD Teaching Studentship in Mathematical Finance to start in January 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The PhD Studentship will consist of a fee waiver and a stipend at the Research Council rate (currently £13,726 per annum) for 3 years. The Studentship is open to Home/EU and Overseas students.

The holders of the PhD Studentship will be expected to teach the equivalent of 6 contact hours per week, while working towards a PhD in Mathematical Finance. The position is intended for a student who is able to assist in delivering MSc modules in Mathematical Finance, for which a good background in measure theory, probability, stochastic processes and mathematical finance is a requirement. More information on the research and teaching portfolio in mathematical finance can be found at


Entry requirements
Applicants should already have, or be close to obtaining, a first class MMath/MSci degree, or a BSc plus distinction at MSc or equivalent level in mathematics.

Applicants whose first language is not English should provide with their application evidence of English language skills comparable to IELTS 7 (with 7 in both Writing and Speaking components).

How to apply
To apply for a place on the PhD in Mathematics, please use the 'Apply' button below.

In the section of the online application form which asks "How studies will be funded" mention that you wish to be considered for the PhD Teaching Studentship in Mathematics. After you submit your application, please send a covering letter to maths-graduate-admissions@york.ac.uk explaining why you wish to be considered for the Teaching Studentship and giving an account of any previous teaching experience.

Candidates who have already applied for a place on the PhD in Mathematics at York can also apply for the Teaching Studentship by sending a similar covering letter to maths-graduate-admissions@york.ac.uk

Application Deadline
The application deadline is 15 October 2013. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview around the end of October 2013. The Department reserves the right to keep applications open until a suitable candidate is found.

Contact for informal enquiries:
Professor Zdzislaw Brzezniak zdzislaw.brzezniak@york.ac.uk
Dr. Alet Roux alet.roux@york.ac.uk

For more information, please contact:
Postgraduate Administrator, Department of Mathematics, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK maths-graduate-admissions@york.ac.uk

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