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Thursday, September 19, 2013

[beasiswa] [info] Doctoral student position in Biostatistics


Doctoral student position in Biostatistics

Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics

The Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics is among the largest departments of epidemiology in Europe with special focus on increasing our knowledge of the aetiology for different diseases. Our department consists of researchers, doctoral students, biostatisticians, data collectors and database administrators as well as administrative personnel, in total approximately some 250 staff. The department is situated in campus Solna. Further information can be found at www.ki.se/meb

The biostatistics group comprises around 35 members, including 4 professors, 4 senior lecturers, applied biostatisticians, postdocs and PhD students. The group is involved in a wide variety of research projects, including population-based cohort and case-control studies, twin and family studies, survival analyses, predictive modeling, genetic epidemiology and bioinformatics.
Duties and responsibilities�

The candidate will conduct his/her own research within the project "More flexible and informative statistical methods for the analysis of population-based cancer studies". Under supervision, the PhD student will be responsible for reviewing literature, development of statistical methods and associated software, using these methods in applied collaborative projects, writing scientific articles and presenting results at scientific conferences.

Applicants should have a master level degree or equivalent in statistics, mathematical statistics, biostatistics or related field as well as a strong interest in medical/biological problems. The candidate should have experience of statistical programming (preferably Stata). Good team-working skills as well as the ability to work independently are required. Fluency in written and spoken English is required.

Entry requirements
1. taken a second-cycle qualification
2. completed course requirements for at least 240 higher education credits, including at least 60 second-cycle higher education credits, or
3. otherwise acquired essentially the same knowledge in or outside Sweden.

An applicant who met the general entry requirements for third-cycle studies before 1 July 2007 is regarded as having met the current requirements, though no longer than until the end of June 2015.

Furthermore, English proficiency is required, for details see�http://www.ki.se/doctoral/admission

A selection will be made among qualified applicants on the basis of the ability to benefit from third-cycle studies. Karolinska Institutet uses the following bases of assessment:

- Documented subject knowledge of relevance to the area of research
- Analytical skill
- Other documented knowledge or experience that may be relevant to third-cycle studies in the subject

The qualifications of the applicants will be evaluated on an overall basis.

A decision concerning the doctoral student position will be made after admission to third-cycle studies.�For additional information about third-cycle studies at Karolinska Institutet, see�http://www.ki.se/doctoral.���

Application process
An application must contain the following documents in Swedish or English:
  • A personal letter and curriculum vitae
  • A statement of research interest(one page)
  • A copy of a degree certificate and associated certificates
  • A copy of a degree project and any previous publications
The application is to be submitted on the NetRecruiter system.
Karolinska Institutet is one of the world´s leading medical universities. Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education. Karolinska Institutet accounts for over 40 per cent of the medical academic research conducted in Sweden and offers the country´s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.

Pursuant to the regulations of the Swedish National Archives, applications are kept on file for two years after the appointment has gained legal force. The regulations do not apply to attachments that have been printed or otherwise published.

Karolinska Institutet strives to provide a workplace that has approximately the same number of women and men, is free of discrimination and offers equal opportunity to everyone.

For temp agencies and recruiters, and to salespersons: We politely, yet firmly, decline direct contact with temp agencies and recruiters, as well as those selling additional job announcements.
Type of employment:
PhD placement
Working hours:
Full time
Reference number:
  1. Paul Lambert, professor, email: paul.lambert@ki.se, +44 116 229 7265
  2. Sofia Anderberg, HR-officer, email: sofia.anderberg@ki.se, 08 524 870 02
Union representative:
  1. Ulrika Zagai, SACO, 08--524 871 84
  2. Ann Almqvist, OFR, 08-524 861 99
  3. Gunnar Stenberg, SEKO, 08-524 880 75
Last application date:

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [info] Doctoral student position in Biostatistics   Doctoral student position in Biostatistics Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medical Epidem...
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