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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

[beasiswa] [butuh info] Keterangan Persamaan Ijasah utk ke LUISS Italia


selamat malam rekans,
saya ikut daftar yg beasiswa doktor untuk di LUISS Roma, program management (informasi beasiswa jg sy dpt dari milis ini).
nah barusan saya dapat email seperti di bawah.
saya kurang begitu paham dengan email ini.
apakah saya diminta surat keterangan persamaan atau sejenisnya yg dikeluarkan oleh kedutaan italia? dan surat tersebut harus dikirimkan ke univ Luiss by post?

mohon bantuannya kawans,


abd luky

Dear Candidate,

I remember you according to art. 3 of the call "Eligibility": Applications to participate in the competition for admission to the Research Doctorate Programme referred to in article 1 may be submitted by individuals holding a master's degree, an Italian bachelor's degree under the former university system or an analogous academic qualification awarded abroad that is officially recognised in advance by the academic authorities if not already deemed to be officially equivalent.

The candidate who holds an academic qualification awarded abroad not already deemed to be officially equivalent must accompany his or her application with whatever documents are necessary to enable the admission commission to assess the qualification solely for doctoral programme eligibility purposes with respect to the existing Law in Italy and in the country where the qualification has been awarded, (the documents have to be translated, legalised and accompanied by the statement of equivalent value issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular authorities abroad in accordance with the law in force or annexing a diploma supplement certificate).

The statement of equivalent value is an official document which provides a short description of a certain academic or professional qualification, awarded to a specific person by an institution belonging to an educational system other than the Italian one.

The statement of equivalent value usually includes the following information:


·         legal status and nature of the awarding institution;

·         requirements needed for admission to the programme ending in the qualification concerned;

·         length of the programme and/or global workload in hours/credits;

·         validity of the qualification in the awarding country to academic and/or professional ends.

Statement of equivalent value are issued in Italian by the competent Italian diplomatic authorities outside Italy against presentation of the following papers:

·         certified photocopy of the qualification concerned;

·         legal translation into Italian of the the above document.

For further information you can visit this link  http://www.study-in-italy.it/php5/study-italy.php?lang=EN&idorizz=3&idvert=27


Kindest regards,

Ph.D Office

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5 Forum Beasiswa: [beasiswa] [butuh info] Keterangan Persamaan Ijasah utk ke LUISS Italia   selamat malam rekans, saya ikut daftar yg beasiswa doktor untuk di LUISS Roma, program manage...
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