17 PhD positions in the Faculty of Arts
The Faculty of Arts at Umeå University is looking to explore new topics in the arts and humanities and we are building strong research areas for the future. We are now employing 17 PhD students as part of the strategic work to make research in the arts and humanities in Umeå even stronger.
PhD students are embedded in the Graduate School of Humanities. All PhD students have a fixed annual sum to cover expenses such as conference traveling, data collection, and to attend international summer and winter schools, etc. In addition to thorough research training, the graduate school offers a variety of courses aimed at improving professional, general, and personal skills. The programmes start on September 3, 2012. PhD students with a profile in educational science (Educational Work, Language Teaching and Learning, and Educational History and History Didactics) will also have access to courses and seminars in The research school in educational science.
English Literature (2 PhD students).
Ref. no. 313-23-12.
Contact Kirk Sullivan, 090-786 9549. Syllabus.
Enclose the following information to your application: a letter stating your motivation for undertaking research training leading to a PhD; what kind of expertise in the department of language studies that will be crucial for carrying out your research proposal; what kind of expertise at Umeå University that will be important for the research project; as well as an English summary of the project not exceeding 400 words. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed on April 2 and April 3, 2012. For more detailed information, see www.sprak.umu.se and http://www.sprak.umu.se/english/education/phd-2012/.
Ethnology (1 PhD student). Ref. no: 313-24-12.
Contact Susanne Holst, +46 90 786 6979. Syllabus.
History (2 PhD students). Ref. no: 313-25-12.
Contact Erland Mårald, +46 90 786 6545. Syllabus
Educational History and History Didactics (1 PhD student).
Ref. no: 313-26-12.
Contact Daniel Lindmark, +46 90 786 60 63. Syllabus.
Link to research group.
History of Science and Ideas (2 PhD students).
Ref. no: 313-27-12.
Contact Erland Mårald, +46 90 786 65 45. Syllabus.
Comparative Literature (1 PhD student). Ref. no: 313-28-12.
Contact Susanne Holst, +46 90 786 69 79. Syllabus.
Media and Communication Studies within the project of media management in public organisations (1 PhD student).
Ref. no. 313-29-12.
Contact Susanne Holst, +46 90 786 60 79. Syllabus.
The appointment refers to the research project Between organizational self-interest and serving the public – news management challenges in social services, the police and schools. Instead of a research plan the application should include a letter of presentation describing how your own qualifications and experience are relevant to the particular appointment (max. 2 x A4). Short-listed candidates will be interviewed on March 15 and 16, 2012. For more information about the research project as well as instructions for the application, see http://www.humfak.umu.se/om/utlysningar/.
Museology specialising in premodern studies
(1 PhD student). Ref.no: 313-30-12.
Contact Susanne Holst, +46 90 786 69 79. Syllabus.
Link to research group
Educational Work with a focus on Art Education (1 PhD student). Ref. no: 313-31-12.
Contact Eva Skåreus, +46 90 786 6013. Syllabus.
Educational Work with a focus on Sloyd (1 PhD student).
Ref. no: 313-32-12.
Contact Eva Skåreus, +46 90 786 6013. Syllabus.
Religious Studies (1 PhD student). Ref. no: 313-33-12.
Contact Erland Mårald, +46 90 786 65 45. Syllabus.
Language Teaching and Learning (1 PhD student). Ref. no: 313-34-12.
Contact Kirk Sullivan, +46 90 786 9549. Syllabus.
Enclose the following information to your application: a letter stating your motivation for undertaking research training leading to a PhD; what kind of expertise in the department of language studies that will be crucial for carrying out your research proposal; what kind of expertise at Umeå University that will be important for the research project; as well as an English summary of the project not exceeding 400 words. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed on April 2 and April 3, 2012. For more detailed information, see www.sprak.umu.se and http://www.sprak.umu.se/english/education/phd-2012/.
Linguistics (2 PhD students). Ref. no: 313-35-12.
Contact Kirk Sullivan, +46 90 786 9549. Syllabus.
Enclose the following information to your application: a letter stating your motivation for undertaking research training leading to a PhD; what kind of expertise in the department of language studies that will be crucial for carrying out your research proposal; what kind of expertise at Umeå University that will be important for the research project; as well as an English summary of the project not exceeding 400 words. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed on April 2 and April 3, 2012. For more detailed information, see www.sprak.umu.se and http://www.sprak.umu.se/english/education/phd-2012/.
Instructions for making an application
Requirements: a Master or equivalent degree in a relevant field, or at least 240 ECTS credits of which at least 60 ECTS credits are at second cycle (Masters) level. Among these, at least 90 ECTS credits must be of relevance for the proposed doctoral research project. See also the specific eligibility requirements required by each subject.
The employment will be for a period of four years (first a contract of 12 months with annual extensions of 12 months after positive evaluation of capabilities and compatibility) and must lead to the completion of a PhD thesis. Holders of a PhD position must primarily concern themselves with their own postgraduate research. A PhD student can to a limited extent work with teaching and administrative work that does not exceed 20% of his/her normal working hours. The period of employment may consequently be extended up to a maximum of five years.
Documents supporting the application should be submitted in duplicate and shall contain:
copies of your academic transcripts certifying basic and special eligibility,
curriculum vitaea including references: the names of two persons whom we may contact for further information,
copy/ies of your BA and MA theses, as appropriate, and any other publication that are representative for your research qualities,
a research proposal of a maximum 20 000 characters excluding blank spaces, in which you should address the following issues:
a) research question and purpose
b) previous research
c) theoretical framework or research tradition
d) methodology/theory
e) why this research subject is interesting or relevant
f) a time plan
See also the detailed requirements for the application documents required for each subject. An employment interview is conducted and references are checked before the position is offered to the candidate.
All PhD students that are accepted will participate in a research school which is coordinated with their education at each department. The studies will commence at the start of the term on September 3 2012. The workplace is Umeå University. PhD candidates are also expected to participate actively in the development of the research environment relevant to their field of research.
In accordance with National Archives' regulations, documents supporting the application will be removed or, if the applicant so requests, one copy will be returned two years after the employment decision becomes final.
We would prefer that applications are sent electronically. We need your application in duplicate if the application is submitted on paper and one copy of the application if sent electronically. Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format.
If you are applying for several positions with different reference numbers, you must send one application per position applied for. Specify precisely the subject applied for.
Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.
The procedure for recruitment for the position is in accordance with the
Higher Education Ordinance (chapt. 12, 2 §) and the decision regarding the position cannot be appealed.
Your complete application, marked with each reference number, should be sent to jobb@umu.se (state the reference number as subject) or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive February 29, 2012 at the latest.
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